【肖蛇者出生年份 Born in the Year of Snake】
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

劉國偉風水命理顧問 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

【整體運程 In General】
對於肖蛇的你,2016 年既是合太歲亦是刑太歲的年份,合太歲表示人緣佳易得貴人的扶助;相反,刑太歲不單表示你今年的心情差時有負面情緒,另你今年身邊的是非小人也較往年多,可謂兩極化的情況。

In 2016, the Snakes are in union with the presiding god but at the same time are torturing the presiding god, therefore there are two extremes in your luck this year. Union with the presiding god means good interpersonal relationship and can gain useful help from powerful figures. Contrarily, torturing the presiding god implies bad mood and emotional instability, and there are more gossips and argument around you than last year.


There are four lucky stars, Tian De, Gui Ren, Sui He and Fu De.

Tian De can turn mishaps into good luck.

Gui Ren, Sui He and Fu De are stars representing powerful figures, though not very mighty, they can help you in your career.

凶星則有「捲舌」、「披麻」。前者易有口舌、爭吵的情況,亦易有小人是非的壞影響;而後者則要小心父母、長輩如爺爺麻麻、叔伯等的身體,假如他們本身的生 肖為猴、蛇或虎,加上你是生於農曆一月,便要特別小心他們今年的身體會有小病變大病等的嚴重情況,相反則是較往常多小病而矣而問題不是太大。

There are two inauspicious stars, Juan She and Pi Ma. Juan She implies gossips, argument and troublesome people around you.

Pi Ma means health problem of your elderly, such as you parents, grandparents, uncles etc. If they are Monkey, Snake or Tiger, plus you were born in Lunar January, you should pay more attention on their health as bigger sickness may occur. Otherwise, just more sickness than usual but it is not going to be a big health problem.

劉國偉風水命理顧問 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

【財運 Wealth】
2016 年為肖蛇的財運年,對生於春夏間屬平命、熱命的蛇仔蛇女而言,財運於下半年起會漸入佳境;而生於秋冬間屬寒命人的蛇仔蛇女則於上半年的財運仍能保持不錯的表現。

2016 is your year of wealth, for those born in spring / summer (Hot / Neutral predisposition), your wealth luck is getting better in the second half of 2016; for those born in autumn / winter (Cold predisposition), you wealth luck is quite good in the first half of 2016.

劉國偉風水命理顧問 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

【事業 Career】


The career luck is just so-so this year. But due to the bad effect from torturing the presiding god of this year, there would be more gossips around you so it is advisable to act cautiously and keep a low profile.

劉國偉風水命理顧問 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

【健康 Health】

Due to the fight between Water trait and Metal / Gold trait in Five Elements, you may have health problems related to lungs, bonds, throat and trachea. Moreover, be aware of skin health too.

劉國偉風水命理顧問 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

【感情 Relationship】


Except for the Snakes whose partner is Monkey, Tiger or Snake, most Snakes just stay the same in romantic status; i.e. if you are single, still being single.

劉國偉風水命理顧問 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

【增運錦囊 Tips to Enhance Your Luck】


To minimize gossips and troublemakers, you can put pink objects such as decorations, curtains in the northwest location of your home.

劉國偉風水命理顧問 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

本文作者:Kevin Lau 劉國偉師承著名玄學家蘇民峰師傅,憑天賦智慧與自幼對風水命理結下不解的緣份,柔合傳統玄學精髓及現今世界實際環境,不斷引證與優化計算的結果,尤為精於風水與八字算命,以深入淺出方式為客人排難解紛。現為香港信報【面面俱玄】專欄作者,亦擔任多間中外機構、媒體與非牟利團體的風水命理顧問。

曾合作機構:Deacons 的近律師行、DBS 星展銀行、HSBC 匯豐銀行、Groupon、AIA 友邦保險、香港蘋果日報、東方日報、太陽報、明報等。客戶遍布:香港、泰國、台灣、日本、中國、澳門、馬來西亞、新加坡、美國、英國、法國、瑞士、印度、 巴基斯坦、俄羅斯、印尼、菲律賓、加拿大等。
Article Contributor: Kevin Lau, a new age Geomancer who implement Bazi Fortune-Telling & Feng Shui theories and techniques in modern and pragmatic terms, can help solve problems promptly and accurately. Professional Metaphysics Services in Feng Shui, Bazi Fortune-Telling, Chinese Naming, Good Days Selection and Divination.

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