【原文】 节①:亨。苦节②,不可贞。
【译文】 节卦:亨通。如果以节制为苦,其凶吉则不可卜问。
【注释】 ①节,卦名。本卦为异卦相叠(兑下坎上)。上卦为坎,坎为水;下卦为兑,兑为泽。水满溢于泽外,务必高筑堤防以约束之,所以卦名曰节。节,节制。用以警惕人们:天地有节度,才能常新,国家有节度,才能安,个人有节度,才能全性。②苦,用如动词。节,节制。苦节,犹言以节制为苦,即所渭以放肆为乐。
1 节: 节:亨。苦节,不可贞。
Jie: Jie intimates that (under its conditions) there will be progress and attainment. (But) if the regulations (which it prescribes) be severe and difficult, they cannot be permanent.
彖传: 节,亨,刚柔分,而刚得中。苦节不可贞,其道穷也。说以行险,当位以节,中正以通。天地节而四时成,节以制度,不伤财,不害民。
1 节: 节:亨。苦节,不可贞。
Jie: Jie intimates that (under its conditions) there will be progress and attainment. (But) if the regulations (which it prescribes) be severe and difficult, they cannot be permanent.
彖传: 节,亨,刚柔分,而刚得中。苦节不可贞,其道穷也。说以行险,当位以节,中正以通。天地节而四时成,节以制度,不伤财,不害民。
1 中孚: 中孚:豚鱼吉,利涉大川,利贞。
Zhong Fu: Zhong Fu (moves even) pigs and fish, and leads to good fortune. There will be advantage in crossing the great stream. There will be advantage in being firm and correct.
彖传: 中孚,柔在内而刚得中。说而巽,孚,乃化邦也。豚鱼吉,信及豚鱼也。利涉大川,乘木舟虚也。中孚以利贞,乃应乎天也。
1 小过: 小过:亨,利贞,可小事,不可大事。飞鸟遗之音,不宜上,宜下,大吉。
Xiao Guo: Xiao Guo indicates that (in the circumstances which it implies) there will be progress and attainment. But it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. (What the name denotes) may be done in small affairs, but not in great affairs. (It is like) the notes that come down from a bird on the wing - to descend is better than to ascend. There will (in this way) be great good fortune.