

 我太忙,不可能写这么多,我对这些杂志说,我只能提供一些曾用过的专栏。 这本澳洲杂志,在当地创办的很好,值得一读!另外,他们会安排记者来香港和我做专访。

 Hi 七仙羽, Thank you for your reply. I would like to use your article star from Apr issue. For the interview at Hong Kong, I will let you know next week. 


 Hi Qixianyu,

 > > I am from IME magazine, located at Sydney.

 We are the one of Chinese magazine at Australia。

 > > I always goto your blog, and found that you write lots of Feng Shi / Fortune articles. Our team would like to invite you join our Fortune section. 

 > > > > Besides of that, could we do the interview with you ?I will back to Hong Kong at May 

> > Looking forward from you!

 > > There is our magazine link:

 > http://issuu.com/imemagazine/docs/www.i-me.com.au > http://issuu.com/imemagazine/docs/ime_magazine_vol.32
来源网站: 七仙羽