2016 猴年:肖猴运程 Fortune Forecast of The Year of Monkey in 2016
【肖猴者出生年份 Born in the Year of Pig】
1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
刘国伟风水命理顾问 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)
【整体运程 In General】
肖猴的你今年为本命年犯太岁,不但吉星全无无外力帮助,加上有“剑锋”、“伏尸”、“指背”等凶星的坏影响,整体而言肖猴的你于 2016
年也建议宜静不宜动。然而不用过份担心,对生于秋冬天属寒命人的人而言年初直至新历 8 月8
日运程仍然不错;相反生于春夏间属平命、热命的人来说便要待新历 8 月 8 日后的运程才会渐入佳境。虽然如此,由于 2016
年起的未来约五至六年时间为五行上金水较重的年份,对生于春夏间属平命、热命的人相当有利,故肖猴而属平命、热命的你可借 2016
The Monkeys are offending the presiding god, with no help from any lucky
stars but affected by inauspicious stars Jian Feng, Fu Shi and Zhi Bei.
Therefore, in general, it is better to take conservative approach and
keep unchanged in all aspects
For those born in autumn/ winter (Cold predisposition), can keep the good flow from last year until August 8 2016
For those born in spring/ summer (Hot/ Neutral predisposition), start to get better from August 8 2016
The coming five to six years from 2016 onwards are the years strong in
Gold and Water in Five Elements. These are especially advantageous to
those born in spring/ summer (Hot/ Neutral predisposition). So “monkeys”
with Hot/ Neutral predisposition can make use of this opportunity time
to reflect on the previous, prepare and plan ahead for the coming years
肖猴的你今年为本命年犯太岁,不但吉星全无无外力帮助,加上有“剑锋”、“伏尸”、“指背”等凶星的坏影响,整体而言肖猴的你于 2016 年也建议宜静不宜动。然而不用过份担心,对生于秋冬天属寒命人的人而言年初直至新历 8 月8 日运程仍然不错;相反生于春夏间属平命、热命的人来说便要待新历 8 月 8 日后的运程才会渐入佳境。虽然如此,由于 2016 年起的未来约五至六年时间为五行上金水较重的年份,对生于春夏间属平命、热命的人相当有利,故肖猴而属平命、热命的你可借 2016 年回顾及展望未来数年有什么发展的好机会。
The Monkeys are offending the presiding god, with no help from any lucky stars but affected by inauspicious stars Jian Feng, Fu Shi and Zhi Bei. Therefore, in general, it is better to take conservative approach and keep unchanged in all aspects
For those born in autumn/ winter (Cold predisposition), can keep the good flow from last year until August 8 2016
For those born in spring/ summer (Hot/ Neutral predisposition), start to get better from August 8 2016
The coming five to six years from 2016 onwards are the years strong in Gold and Water in Five Elements. These are especially advantageous to those born in spring/ summer (Hot/ Neutral predisposition). So “monkeys” with Hot/ Neutral predisposition can make use of this opportunity time to reflect on the previous, prepare and plan ahead for the coming years
刘国伟风水命理顾问 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)
【财运 Wealth】
等,2016 年的收入也会随着工作量的增多而相应增加;相反,对于收入稳定如一般文职、教师或公务员等于 2016
To “monkeys”, this is a year of more workload; therefore, it is good to
those who are self-employed, or get paid proportional to workload, as
more workload leads to more income. However, fixed salary earners will
be stressed with the increased workload without an income raise.
肖猴的你今年为个人辛苦力量得财年,工作上忙碌辛苦,如你从事的职业或事业是多劳多得或亲力亲为,例如收入不稳定、以工作量计算收入及自雇人士 等,2016 年的收入也会随着工作量的增多而相应增加;相反,对于收入稳定如一般文职、教师或公务员等于 2016 年不会因工作量的上升而有所得益了。
To “monkeys”, this is a year of more workload; therefore, it is good to those who are self-employed, or get paid proportional to workload, as more workload leads to more income. However, fixed salary earners will be stressed with the increased workload without an income raise.
刘国伟风水命理顾问 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)
【事业 Career】
工作事业方面,对肖猴的你于 2016 年由于为个人辛苦力量年,工作事业也会较 2015 年来得辛苦且忙个不停,工作量增加外更时有加班的情况。属本命年犯太岁的你由于吉星全无,故工作事业上今年尽量宜守不宜攻,尽可能不作主动的变化较佳,否则有机会好事变坏事。
而属本命年犯太岁的你于 2016 年亦有工作上变化的情况,如转工、被辞退、升职等,至于此变化的好坏则要视乎阁下是生于何时,对生于春夏间属平命、热命的人于 2016 年下半年是相对有利;而对生于秋冬间属寒命人的你于 2016 年上半年则较为有利。
As this is a year of more workload, “monkeys” are busier than in 2015, with increased engagement or even longer working hour
As “monkeys” are offending the presiding god and there is no lucky star
to help through, it is better to take conservative approach and keep
unchanged in your work, or else it might lead to a bad change
Inauspicious star Zhi Bei represents you will be bothered by more
gossips and arguments. To avoid this, be cautious on your sayings and
interaction with others. You can also put pink objects, such as drawing,
decorations in northwest location of your home and office, in order to
get rid of the gossips
When offending the presiding god, “monkeys” tend to have changes in
career this year, such as change of job, get fired, get promoted etc.
Whether it is a good or bad change depends on your date of birth. For
those born in spring/ summer (Hot/ Neutral predisposition), better fate
in second half of 2016; those born in autumn/ winter (Cold
predisposition), better fate in first half of 2016
工作事业方面,对肖猴的你于 2016 年由于为个人辛苦力量年,工作事业也会较 2015 年来得辛苦且忙个不停,工作量增加外更时有加班的情况。属本命年犯太岁的你由于吉星全无,故工作事业上今年尽量宜守不宜攻,尽可能不作主动的变化较佳,否则有机会好事变坏事。
而属本命年犯太岁的你于 2016 年亦有工作上变化的情况,如转工、被辞退、升职等,至于此变化的好坏则要视乎阁下是生于何时,对生于春夏间属平命、热命的人于 2016 年下半年是相对有利;而对生于秋冬间属寒命人的你于 2016 年上半年则较为有利。
As this is a year of more workload, “monkeys” are busier than in 2015, with increased engagement or even longer working hour
As “monkeys” are offending the presiding god and there is no lucky star to help through, it is better to take conservative approach and keep unchanged in your work, or else it might lead to a bad change
Inauspicious star Zhi Bei represents you will be bothered by more gossips and arguments. To avoid this, be cautious on your sayings and interaction with others. You can also put pink objects, such as drawing, decorations in northwest location of your home and office, in order to get rid of the gossips
When offending the presiding god, “monkeys” tend to have changes in career this year, such as change of job, get fired, get promoted etc. Whether it is a good or bad change depends on your date of birth. For those born in spring/ summer (Hot/ Neutral predisposition), better fate in second half of 2016; those born in autumn/ winter (Cold predisposition), better fate in first half of 2016
刘国伟风水命理顾问 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)
【健康 Health】
肖猴的你于 2016 年为本命年犯太岁,而凶星如“剑锋”、“伏尸”令你于 2016 年特别易有由金属利器而引致的损伤,故宜小心使用如刀具剪刀,而发生交通意外的机会也会增加,宜尽量减少自驾为佳,另亦可于农历一月及七月洗牙或捐血化解问题。
While offending the presiding god and affected by inauspicious stars
Jian Feng and Fu Shi, “monkeys” are likely to be injured by sharp edge
like knives, scissors, and suffered from traffic accidents. Better to
avoid driving. You can have teeth cleaned or blood donation in Lunar
January and July to ease the fate of bloodshed
肖猴的你于 2016 年为本命年犯太岁,而凶星如“剑锋”、“伏尸”令你于 2016 年特别易有由金属利器而引致的损伤,故宜小心使用如刀具剪刀,而发生交通意外的机会也会增加,宜尽量减少自驾为佳,另亦可于农历一月及七月洗牙或捐血化解问题。
While offending the presiding god and affected by inauspicious stars Jian Feng and Fu Shi, “monkeys” are likely to be injured by sharp edge like knives, scissors, and suffered from traffic accidents. Better to avoid driving. You can have teeth cleaned or blood donation in Lunar January and July to ease the fate of bloodshed
刘国伟风水命理顾问 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)
【感情 Relationship】
属本命年犯太岁的你于 2016 年易有感情上的变化,如拍拖、分手、结婚、离婚、怀孕等。
While offending the presiding god, “monkeys” will easily have changes in
romantic status, such as start a new relationship, breakup, get
married, divorce, get pregnant etc
属本命年犯太岁的你于 2016 年易有感情上的变化,如拍拖、分手、结婚、离婚、怀孕等。
While offending the presiding god, “monkeys” will easily have changes in romantic status, such as start a new relationship, breakup, get married, divorce, get pregnant etc
刘国伟风水命理顾问 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)
【增运锦囊 Tips to Enhance Your Luck】
肖猴的你于 2016 年由于吉星全无且人缘一般,可于家中的东南面的桃花人缘位放置清水一杯。另可于家中的正中及东北位置各放一个音乐盒以增强体质及减低意外阻碍的机会发生。
With not-too-good interpersonal relationship this year, you can put a
class of water in the southeast location of your home to improve this
You can also put a music box in both the middle location and northeast
location of your home to boost your health and reduce the chances of
肖猴的你于 2016 年由于吉星全无且人缘一般,可于家中的东南面的桃花人缘位放置清水一杯。另可于家中的正中及东北位置各放一个音乐盒以增强体质及减低意外阻碍的机会发生。
With not-too-good interpersonal relationship this year, you can put a class of water in the southeast location of your home to improve this aspect
You can also put a music box in both the middle location and northeast location of your home to boost your health and reduce the chances of accidents
刘国伟风水命理顾问 Kevin Lau Feng Shui and Fortune-Telling Consultant (www.masterKL.com)

本文作者:Kevin Lau 刘国伟师承著名玄学家苏民峰师傅,凭天赋智慧与自幼对风水命理结下不解的缘份,柔合传统玄学精髓及现今世界实际环境,不断引证与优化计算的结果,尤为精于风水与八字算命,以深入浅出方式为客人排难解纷。现为香港信报【面面俱玄】专栏作者,亦担任多间中外机构、媒体与非牟利团体的风水命理顾问。
曾合作机构:Deacons 的近律师行、DBS 星展银行、HSBC 汇丰银行、Groupon、AIA
Article Contributor: Kevin Lau, a new age Geomancer who
implement Bazi Fortune-Telling & Feng Shui theories and techniques
in modern and pragmatic terms, can help solve problems promptly and
accurately. Professional Metaphysics Services in Feng Shui, Bazi
Fortune-Telling, Chinese Naming, Good Days Selection and Divination.

本文作者:Kevin Lau 刘国伟师承著名玄学家苏民峰师傅,凭天赋智慧与自幼对风水命理结下不解的缘份,柔合传统玄学精髓及现今世界实际环境,不断引证与优化计算的结果,尤为精于风水与八字算命,以深入浅出方式为客人排难解纷。现为香港信报【面面俱玄】专栏作者,亦担任多间中外机构、媒体与非牟利团体的风水命理顾问。
曾合作机构:Deacons 的近律师行、DBS 星展银行、HSBC 汇丰银行、Groupon、AIA
Article Contributor: Kevin Lau, a new age Geomancer who
implement Bazi Fortune-Telling & Feng Shui theories and techniques
in modern and pragmatic terms, can help solve problems promptly and
accurately. Professional Metaphysics Services in Feng Shui, Bazi
Fortune-Telling, Chinese Naming, Good Days Selection and Divination.