Mainly based on the four-poster Xiji carried out. Such as the five elements to the poster and its Pianku of life, but life Bureau of gold is weak or absent, four-poster wooden five acts like to use God, but wood debilitating weakness, under these circumstances, you can take the day after tomorrow artificial life law changed. Acquired human law can change the direction of life, occupation, color, utensils, name, diet, medication, geography, residential orientation, choice of spouse, friends like. Up to now to have predicted experts believe that, in practice, there are many successful examples.


Name change it law, depending on the combination of yin and yang character poster, identify with God, then with God's five form evolved to represent a Chinese character used to match the five elements (the five elements to the number of strokes of Chinese characters of the subject) This is from change the name of life. Specifically see the name of science books.


 According poster like to use the five elements of color to your God, the election caused by the same God and like to use the five elements of the color of clothing or personal adornment remedy. Board hi fire, such as life, fire is red, you can wear red clothes; ordered Bureau of hi water, wearing black, blue dress.


 Appliances changed the life method to change it in accordance with a four-poster hi God the Lord of the five elements of color, choose a consistent God with joy Five color appliances. God belongs to such as like to use color is green, optional green, cyan, life and work supplies. Such as furniture, linen, wall covering wallpaper, floor tile, green pencils, pens and the like.

Life law changed direction, four-poster wood as hi God, should seek to Eastern birthplace of development.


Poster with fire to joy with God, should seek to southern birthplace of development.

Poster to earth to joy with God, should be in the birthplace of seeking development.

Poster gold as hi God, should seek to place of birth and development of the West.

Four-poster water as hi God, should seek to place of birth and development of the north.

Residential azimuth change command method, a four-poster wood as hi God, dwelling should sit west to east

Poster with fire to joy with God, dwelling should ride north to south.

Poster to earth to joy with God, dwelling should ride north to south.

Poster gold as hi God, dwelling should sit south to north.

Four-poster water as hi God, dwelling should sit south to north.


Sleep orientation change it law

Four-poster wood as hi God, should head towards the east towards the west foot sleep.

Poster with fire to joy with God, should head towards the south towards the north foot sleep.

Poster to earth to joy with God, should head towards the southern foot towards the north and sleep.

Poster gold as hi God, should head towards the western foot towards the east and sleep.

Four-poster water as hi God, should head towards the north towards the south and sleep foot.



Sitting work and study law to change it

Four-poster wood as hi God, should sit east of the West. Poster with fire to joy with God, should sit north south.

Poster to earth to joy with God, should sit north south.

Poster gold as hi God, should take the west of the East.

Four-poster water as hi God, should sit north of the south.


Geographical environment law changed life

Four-poster wood as hi God, should choose temperate regions, more trees and flowers of the land to live. ,

Poster with fire to joy with God, should choose tropical continental regions and coal mines, power plants place of residence.

Poster to earth to joy with God, should choose a moderate tropical land and mountains, plains place to live.

Poster gold as hi God, should choose cool area and more metal, mineral place to live. Four-poster water as hi God, should choose to live in cold places and the land of rivers, lakes and oceans.


Diet change it law;

Four-poster wood as hi God, should eat warm food, meat eating animals hepatobiliary.

Poster with fire to joy with God, should eat hot foods, meat eating animal intestine, heart and liver.

Poster to earth to joy with God, should eat neutral foods in mind and lung and stomach and other carnivorous animals. Poster gold as hi God, should eat cold foods and meat animal lungs large intestine.

Four-poster water as hi God, should eat cold food and predators kidney bladder and various fish.


Drug law changed life

Four-poster wood as hi God, can often eat warm the drugs.

Poster with fire to joy with God, can often eat heat of drugs.

Poster to earth to joy with God, can often eat neutral of drugs.

Poster gold as hi God, can often eat cool of drugs.

Four-poster water as hi God, can often eat cold of drugs.


Digital life law changed

Digital Five Elements: wood for 3,8, fire is 2,7, the soil is 5,0, gold is 4,9, 1,6 water.

Poster like to use the five elements of God belongs to digital, the choice of the number of bits have been useful remedy, such as house number, license plate number, phone number, pager and mobile phone number, floor, job number, etc. according to.


Life career change law

According poster like to use the five elements of God belongs to the industry and the implication of industry ten God, to choose their own benefit and for his own career, this is the law of life career change.

Choice of spouse life law changed

According poster hi God Wang decline and the presence of the five elements, choose the other side of the poster, character in favor of its own character of the five elements, the spouse objects as their life Bureau hi, this is the method to choose a spouse to change it.

Select dating life law changed

Specific see "change it to choose a spouse Law", its same reason.

Spiritual cultivation method to change it

Can be beneficial practice qigong, calligraphy, painting, raising birds, flowers and grass, to learn cultural and scientific knowledge, and constantly strengthen the physical and mental training, get rid of bad character and disposition. This is a spiritual cultivation method to change it.


Law change life doing good saying: "A benevolent one hundred disaster." Through donations matter, ask relief blood elderly, helping school dropouts return to learning, bridges and roads, no reward the contribution of blood, release and other behavior modification fate. This method is to do good to change it!


Azimuth adjustment refers to my place of birth and living in the center of the five elements for orientation.

Remedy: First, identify with God, and then fix with God belongs to the delight of the five elements of position, and then to the Lord of life hi azimuth work, live, learn, it will reduce ring true. For example, life Bureau with God is water, water belongs to the North, that place of birth or lived for the center, to its northern working life better. The farther away from the birthplace of principle, with the greater power of God, but also depends on the severity of the Bureau of life given by God, can not fill them too.

Lunar Five-owned and direction:

B is a wood, bits East.

Bingding is a fire, bit south.

Wuji territory, central location.

Gengxin is a gold, bits West.

Jen-kuei is water, bit north.

Mao Yin is wood, bits East.

Si Wu is a fire, bit south.

Shen West is a gold, bits West.

Ine is water, bit north.

Chen Xu ugly is not dependent territory, central location.

Career adjustment, people come into contact with all things contain their five elements, human life would produce different effects, so carefully choose a suitable remedial action to life Bureau of industry is very important. If the industry five elements in their favor, it will add life Bureau with the power of God, so that the fate of improvement, will become relatively successful career.


For example, for wage earners, the choice is their own business with God, we will do long-term, relatively better aspects of treatment. If you select a negative industry, not only for the life Bureau no remedial action, but is a jealous God, it will play the opposite effect, increasing the flow, no matter how good the character of people can not help but be discounted.


Five spouse remedies are things in the world gas market, including plants, animals and even an object. For people, the strength of gas and gas field balance of the five elements of each person is different, two people live together long, with the distance similar effect to occur between the gas field, the fate will be affected. This is something we can be seen from the twin brothers or sisters out when the two sides before the unmarried, same ingredients similar luck to many, once the marriage, luck differences between the two sides will increase. This is because, although the same two people character, but the character is not exactly the same as a spouse, the gas field is also different, interact, resulting in differences in luck. So, to find a life of their own bureau beneficial remediable with insufficient God spouse is very important complement to our mutual benefit.


Remedy general character of the five elements from two four-poster Xiji, satisfied tone Xiji, Lunar Xiji analysis and criminal impulse harm the relationship between the SCO, the key is the other side of life Bureau to use God for their own benefit. For example, generally thought long years of column consistency, satisfied tone Aioi is the best equipped, able to grow old, proven is wrong, some parties in order TRW together, satisfied tone Aioi results halfway divorced or widowed a ; some parties in order to rush days grams, satisfied tone of grams, was able to grow old.


What causes it? Because the day before snugly together, together of a jealous God, satisfied tone with life and life is his own bogey of God, to use god weaker Bureau of life imbalance, it is unfavorable; then one day grams to rush, satisfied tone of grams, red It is that both sides of a jealous God, g is that both sides of a jealous God, thereby reducing the adverse factors of each life office, complementary situation, it is possible to grow old. Therefore, marriage with God in order to remedy to weight, health, g, red, five elements together just a form of action, it is with God and services must not be shed by the end of this and re-forms without heavy nature.


Moral change destiny, this is the ancients considered one of the most important, most effective and most thorough way to change it, so there is that to do good plot blessing.


The leading role of moral human destiny is beyond doubt, on the retribution of good and evil, the Bible teaches all three carrier, also non-deceptive talk real well. If people are willing to good deeds, since life is not in numbers, if a person died of this is life, but the aftermath of a major row longevity; life for the poor, after the plot becomes a Dade wealth, more than a matter, as Mr. Yuan Lefan It was also some good people in life can not be "good report" as an example of the causal matter of doubt, this is the wrong way, because not a moment of assessment throughout the whole life of good and bad fortune whose son Jesus Christ, the notes, there is retribution Chi Su and also. Therefore, we advise that everyone should do good virtue, change fate. First, do not be evil to do good virtue from the start, will reduce the level of the original evil fate, mission even worse. Only do not be evil, and before we talk about doing good, can we change fate.

Now Ren Bailong Wang Xu Shaofeng is the only Taoist worship Buddha Bailong princes care world. Master Xu open eye in the sky 16 years, 36 years as abbot palace Nanyang world, he is Bailong princes who incarnate human flesh body, efficacious Buddha can lead children to his body, which we call the Buddha possessed to help worshipers.

From 2010 to 2012, White Dragon kings often sit at the master Xu appeared gilded temple and tomb to tell, he was one of the five most early Chinese Taoist deity, namely the Five Emperors Dragon White Dragon King in West 方白帝rather than private people mistakenly believe that Thai Buddha, Thailand Bailong princes went to preach save the world, now Thailand's mission has been successfully completed, he hopes to continue to prop master Shi Xu, Wang Bailong main dojo help establish good faith, so that more Chinese people benefit .

Xu Shaofeng, native of Fujian Province, Jinjiang born Chinese family names, age 13, was designated for the seventh generation of the family ancestral Chinese medicine unique heritage. Xu master or an outstanding Book of Feng Shui expert, is a true first in the feng shui master TCM, Taoism, feng shui combination. Proficient in the Book of Changes, numerology, feng shui, metaphysics five surgery, Chinese medicine, psychology, Master, Taoism, Buddhism, and body prosthetics, etc., inherited the Road Law, the true mass Book of two schools of feng shui, draw situation and management style faction under 17 Feng Shui martial strengths collection of religious, traditional Chinese medicine, modern medicine, numerology forecasting, astronomy, meteorology, geography, hydrogeology, astral universe, environmental landscape, architecture, ecology and human life IT and other disciplines in one system of feng shui truth. Forty years of experience in geomancy, feng shui-depth insights.

About the White Dragon King's story has come true fame, women and children. 15 years ago, the Hong Kong entertainment industry because a lot of Big Brother Big Sister class star was pointing up to the White Dragon Princes effect of good fortune. Hong Kong Taiwan Many filmmakers are in White Dragon King is the cause or private on consultants. Entertainment among the many artists are white dragon praise, praise he can predict the future, but also in helping the misfortunes, to bring good luck. Therefore, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and many worshipers all have made a special trip to visit groups, hope White Dragon King for their fortune prediction, Ariadne, worries and difficulties.

   1. White Dragon King Chinese Preparatory Office: Souls Sanqing, Xiamen Convention and Exhibition Center Exhibition Road on the 7th 106,0086-592-5021408 Nguyen assistant QQ: 807204013

   2. Bailong Faye Preparatory Office: Nanyang world's Palace, Quezon City, opposite Banawe Bodhi Vegetarian oblique, 00632-7752577 Nguyen assistant micro letter wechat: wlfs505

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