Bingshen Jupiter in 2016 comprehensive interpretation

Every year there is a part of life Zodiac guilty of Jupiter, 2016 ordered guilty of Jupiter has four main zodiac zodiac tiger, snakes, monkeys, pigs, and that in the end what is Jupiter, Jupiter guilty in 2016 to resolve the method, what does?
What is Jupiter?
Jupiter, Taoist gods respectfully, also known as Tai Sui Xing Jun, or the age of the king. Jupiter is in heaven Jupiter, because Jupiter once every twelve months to run, so the ancients called Jupiter as Jupiter or Jupiter; Jupiter, also known as Tai Sui Xing Jun, it is both the stars, but also folk deities enshrined.
The traditional Chinese calendar method is called Lunar chronology, which is made up of ten Heavenly Stems (A, B, C, D, E, hexyl, heptyl, octyl, nonyl, decyl) and the twelve Earthly Branches (child, the ugly, c, d, Chen has been, afternoon, no, shen, you, xu, hai) take turns with a form. It began six decades, finally Guihai. A cycle takes 60 years, called Sixty Years.
However, many people do not know in these 60 years there, every year the gods of heaven will send out a dollar value, he was in charge of this year, the world of blessing and curse, also in charge of people born in the year of a lifetime overnight fortune, people revered the value of these gods Jupiter, there are 60 Jupiter 60 years, so collectively referred to as 60 Jiazi God.

What is guilty of Jupiter?
Offenders and offenders are specific manifestations of punishment, red, broken, damage, and so on; and means one individual natal Jupiter same zodiac and fleeting; punch which means "six red", namely the meridian red, ugly is not red, Yin Shen Chong, Maoyou Chong, Chen Xu Chong, Chong Hai Pat. In next year Bingshen Monkey Case, Yin Shen for the clash, so the Lunar New Year Tiger people Bingshen Monkey, is six red, guilty of Tai Sui.
What is punishment Jupiter?
Punishment Jupiter, also known as "partial punch," such as their birth year and the fleeting belongs zodiac difference, that is, criminal grams, that is fleeting Tai Sui "partial punch." As the old saying goes: Jupiter pledge to sit, no hi fear of disaster. Such as the Monkey, monkey zodiac is Jupiter, Pat Yin Xing Shen three, namely zodiac zodiac tiger snake punishment Jupiter, so the Lunar New Year Tiger is guilty of Jupiter zodiac Monkey twofold. Strictly speaking, or the greatest influence, is the value of the zodiac natal Jupiter clash, is guilty of Jupiter. But generally the provisional Jupiter, Jupiter punishment, harm Jupiter, Jupiter is called guilty of Jupiter broken.
What is the harm Jupiter?
That wear wear damage, such as child victims did not, ugly and so harm the afternoon, people encounter the rat infestation Ram namely Jupiter.
What is broken Jupiter?
That break damage, such as broken unitary child, unitary afternoon break, etc., who the rat is broken Jupiter encounter Rooster.
Guilty of Jupiter in 2016 to resolve methods:
1, thanks to Jupiter
When the beginning of the year 2016 are made to worship Jupiter Jupiter zodiac best to maintain peace, pray to the most appropriate day are generally required in each year, the first day, second day, third, fifth, seventh, eighth , tenth, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, and so can twenty-five. Pray to note: the night before did not eat meat, wine, to be bathed, dressed in clean clothes.

2, hide Jupiter
Zodiac guilty of Jupiter in Jupiter Xing Jun worship this year in order to maintain peace, but also to hide except Jupiter. Jupiter is the beginning of spring to hide the date and the time of transition from the old New Year's in, hid herself in a room (do not let other people bother), quietly waiting for the handover of the two Jupiter, Jupiter will go to hide.
3, please Tai Sui Fu
Souls guilty of Jupiter by Jupiter character is essential magic, there are Tai Sui Xing Jun spells, available Jupiter blessing, guilty of Tai Sui of the year in order to maintain peace, no more trouble.
4, wear ornaments resolve
Guilty of Jupiter Zodiac easily trick evil, so to wear some of the auspicious jewelry items to resolve, Bingshen Best of Jupiter Cheats - Master Xu Feng Shui Po, is a very good choice, how to commit harm, then Jupiter home, hall and bedroom Hide White Dragon King needs to be placed at multiple master himself promised the opening of Feng Shui Po, rapid and efficient to resolve the conditioning gas field.

(12-15 May 2015 Philippine history oldest largest Chinese-language United Daily News reported that the mainstream press now Renbai Long Wang, Nanyang Palace hosted the world to participate in the China Taoist Association, organizer Xu Shaofeng Celestial Masters held in the year 2015, the government is sending overseas memo award ceremony )
5, ward off evil spirits
Has always been used to ward off evil spirits wormwood plant, every animal year when the ancients that is the leaves hang on the door, with the leaves to pray for peace, good fortune, wealth, newlyweds then pray forever, the practice in many places is still circulating, with Ai Grass can drive away evil Jupiter, worries and difficulties.
Send Jupiter

Guilty of Jupiter by Jupiter send end of the year, you can get the story rather than twenty-four needed to allay Xie Tai Sui. Jupiter sending process is as follows: the signature sparse text, fill send Jupiter date (usually in the twelfth lunar month on the 24th to send Jupiter).
Prepare three incense, candle one pair, gold gold.
Ready offerings: Hong Wan three bowls, three samples of fruit, three cups of water, 3 packets of tea.
Jupiter sent before breakfast, in their own place outside the gate to send Jupiter. Lit candles, later bowed, remove the sparse text, read, read to complete, from the text of the first start incineration sparse text. Then incineration yin and yang amulets, Jupiter breaks and ingot.
Guilty of Jupiter cautious anything?
1, do not get married, engagement, otherwise there is the possibility of emotional crisis
2, prudent investment banking, bogey to expand investment
3, should not quit, not their own business
4, others speak less interrupted, do not mediate
5, away from the hubbub non-local, carefully indignity
6, not verbal abuse, assault, do not offend the villain, to be more wary villain

、Now Ren Bailong Wang Xu Shaofeng is the only Taoist worship Buddha Bailong princes care world. Master Xu open eye in the sky 16 years, 36 years as abbot palace Nanyang world, he is Bailong princes who incarnate human flesh body, efficacious Buddha can lead children to his body, which we call the Buddha possessed to help worshipers.

From 2010 to 2012, White Dragon kings often sit at the master Xu appeared gilded temple and tomb to tell, he was one of the five most early Chinese Taoist deity, namely the Five Emperors Dragon White Dragon King in West 方白帝rather than private people mistakenly believe that Thai Buddha, Thailand Bailong princes went to preach save the world, now Thailand's mission has been successfully completed, he hopes to continue to prop master Shi Xu, Wang Bailong main dojo help establish good faith, so that more Chinese people benefit .

Xu Shaofeng, native of Fujian Province, Jinjiang born Chinese family names, age 13, was designated for the seventh generation of the family ancestral Chinese medicine unique heritage. Xu master or an outstanding Book of Feng Shui expert, is a true first in the feng shui master TCM, Taoism, feng shui combination. Proficient in the Book of Changes, numerology, feng shui, metaphysics five surgery, Chinese medicine, psychology, Master, Taoism, Buddhism, and body prosthetics, etc., inherited the Road Law, the true mass Book of two schools of feng shui, draw situation and management style faction under 17 Feng Shui martial strengths collection of religious, traditional Chinese medicine, modern medicine, numerology forecasting, astronomy, meteorology, geography, hydrogeology, astral universe, environmental landscape, architecture, ecology and human life IT and other disciplines in one system of feng shui truth. Forty years of experience in geomancy, feng shui-depth insights.

About the White Dragon King's story has come true fame, women and children. 15 years ago, the Hong Kong entertainment industry because a lot of Big Brother Big Sister class star was pointing up to the White Dragon Princes effect of good fortune. Hong Kong Taiwan Many filmmakers are in White Dragon King is the cause or private on consultants. Entertainment among the many artists are white dragon praise, praise he can predict the future, but also in helping the misfortunes, to bring good luck. Therefore, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and many worshipers all have made a special trip to visit groups, hope White Dragon King for their fortune prediction, Ariadne, worries and difficulties.

White Dragon King Chinese temple: Souls Sanqing, Xiamen Convention and Exhibition Center Exhibition Road on the 7th 106,0086-592-5021408 Nguyen assistant QQ: 807204013

White Dragon King temple Philippines: Southeast Asia World Palace, Quezon City, opposite Banawe Bodhi Vegetarian oblique, 00632-7752577 Nguyen assistant micro letter wechat: wlfs505
