



编者说:英国著名汉学家闵福德(John Minford)耗时12年翻译的《易经》。这本书由纽约企鹅出版集团下的维京出版社于2014年底出版。此书的出版在学术界引起高度的关注。在书里,闵福德有对《易经》及历代文人评注的详细叙述。此前西方较著名的《易经》译本,分别来自19世纪末英国传教士理雅各和德国传教士卫礼贤。


The interpretation of famous quotations from Zhouyi: (一)


From the beginning of the universe, the heaven has been high up and dignity, the earth has been underneath and humble. And since the location of the heaven and the earth being determined, the important law between the heaven and the earth has been identified and thus the status of the noble and the ignoble of all things arranged. Therefore, Qian means positive and Yin, negative; the heaven stands for hardness and the earth, softness; the heaven has been in the state of constant motion and the earth, in the opposite, quiet and calm. Thus Yang and Yin are also clearly separated.

Since all sorts of things in the universe being gathered and divided into different groups according to their categories, the state of auspiciousness and disaster has been brought into being. And thus we can see the changes of all things around us: different forms of qi to show different substances, different images to show the moons and stars in the sky, different forms to show the plants and vegetation on the ground.

A correct attitude toward the Chinese traditional culture should be taken is to "take the essence and discard the dregs". Many of its essence still have the instruction value for the modern times.
The saint set up the Eight-hexagramsand watched the images of thehexagram and composed the hexagram-records to indicate their possible auspicious or ill luck endings and the possible changes between Yang and Yin accordingly.

Therefore, the auspicious or ill luck is sometimes interpreted as Lost or Gained. So the conventional understanding of this is: Gaining means auspicious and Losing, ill luck. There is another understanding which is opposite to this: Gaining means ill luck and Losing, auspicious. Such cases can be seen here and there and this is an embodiment of the dialectical principle of Zhouyi, the principle of "being ready to give up".

Therefore, the gentleman should observe the images of the hexagrams and ponder their lines and hexagram-records at ordinary times; pay attention to the changes of the lines and hexagrams during your action, and ponder the results from the divination. Only for doing so can one get the blessing from the Heaven and be fortunate.

We should advocate the use of Zhouyi in a wise and practical way, in a popular and modern style and encourage to learn it happily. Only by doing this can we learn, study and use it happily and without any burden, just enjoy the fun and the wisdom from our ancestors in the process of observing changes of the images of thehexagrams and the pondering of their hexagrams and understanding the harmony of the heaven, the earth and human beings.
周易》的道理和天地的规律相一致,所以不能违背它。《周易》的智慧包容万物的规律,而且能够按照它所反映出来的规律来解决天下的问题,所以不可逾越。普遍地运用它的法则去做事却不像水流一样到处泛滥,乐观地对待自然规律,知道命运的规律,所以能没有忧愁烦恼。虽经济贫困,却是很开心快乐的人;虽富有,却很讲礼仪,礼贤下士的人。人要“三穷三富过到老”,  “三十年河西,三十年河东”,  “太阳不会总在一家红”,这些民谚即充满着《周易》的变易思维,又孕育着乐天知命的底蕴。真正做到了乐天知命,人生就会释然,快乐就会永远与你相伴!
Since there is a consistency between Zhouyi and the laws of heavens and earth, it can fully show the variation rules of them.By using the wisdom from Zhouyi, we can easily observe and understand various phenomenons from the heaven and the earth, including those easy to be seen and those uneasy ones. Researching the original state of things, and then study their final results and we can understand the law of death and the law of growth. Essence can be condensed into concrete objective forms which can be easily seen and the deformation of soul will do the opposite. Such accumulation and dispersion can also show us the existence of ghosts and gods. Since Zhouyi and the law of heaven and earth are consistent, you can't break it and since the rules shown by Zhouyi are all-encompassing, and can be used to solve the world’s problems, what we can do is to follow them. The widely use of laws presented by Zhouyi does not mean to apply them at will. We should accept the rules happily; have a better understanding of the law of fate without worry: to be happy though poverty; to be polite though being well off; our lives are full of ups and downs and not always successful. Only by recognizing this can we be content with what we are, feel relieved at all time.

译文: 阴柔和阳刚合在一起交互作用叫做“道”,也是
《周易》的道理。继承这种自然的、道的法则就是大善,使“道”具象化,就成为一种品性。人的认识往往以偏概全,讲求仁德的人看到天道就说它仁德,智慧的人看到天道就说它体现了智慧,而百姓每天在运用天道却不知道这就是道,所以真正懂得君子之道的人真是太少了! 在现实中有很多的智者,走的路、出的招很奇特,一般人当时看不懂,只有事过境迁方才领悟,可谓“君子之道鲜矣”。所以,既然如此,在出招时就不一定要求得别人看懂。
The interaction of Yin and Yang is called Dao (the way is made up of Yin and Yang) and Zhouyi is theoretically based on it. It is good to inherit this Dao naturally and in the process of representation/embodiment of Dao one’s character is formed.Human knowledge is often biased: humane people consider the way of heaven as kindheartedness; intelligent people considered the way of heaven as the embodiment of wisdom; common people practice the way of heaven everyday without noticing what they are and this is why less people can understand the gentleman’s doctrines.

In reality there were a lot of wise men among us, and what they had done could not be understood by ordinary people at the time, only after a certain period people started to realize them. In this case, it is not necessary for one to make him understood before the action being taken.

The universe is enormous and full of countless cosmic inventories and can be considered as a magnificent career;

The way of heaven changes quickly and constantly and this can be considered as the grand virtue. The connotation of the function of Zhouyi is to make everything multiply endlessly.The presentation of this function is called Qian, which is also called the function of the Heaven. The function of Earth is to follow the way of heaven and make everything to be presented by its concrete form. It is called Kun. The perfect deduction of Zhouyi, can be used to predict the future and this is called divination; Have a good knowledge of the laws of change is known as doing work or taking action. Since ordinary people can not understand the change of Yin and Yang and we consider those who understand it as gods.

    Wealthiness and constant change is the essential connotation of this paragraph. Humans have been pursuing wealthy and happiness life and the world’s economy has been growing.The economic construction, reform and opening-door policy adopted by China as its national key policy is consistent with the Dao of heaven. The practice of putting forward to form a new type of a harmonious and innovative, fair, just society in recent years also conforms to the Dao of heaven.

Finding the chaos and various changes of the universe, the wise men simulated the way of their changes in the form of lines and hexagrams to represent all forms of things in the universe and this is called hexagrams; and after each lines and hexagrams there is an interpretation for you to estimate its auspiciousness or danger when facing it and it is called Yao (trigram).

Confucius said: "the law of the gentleman, can be reflected in doing things outside, also can be embodied in home stays; can be embodied in silence, can also be embodied in rhetoric. If the two people are of the same ambition, their strength will like a sharp sword that can cut through metal; and the same words they share will smell as fragrant as orchid." And this saying has already become historic quote. Working with someone on the stage while figuring their interests on backstage; shaking hands with someone in front of the public and kicking you secretly; praising someone above the moon and soon degrading them to the ground…. This is not the right attitude what a gentleman should take and the cooperation as such means nothing.

译文: 乾卦的天在上,坤卦的地在下,阴阳相对,位置要先确定,艮卦的山与兑卦的泽又气息相通,山水下流,泽中水气上行,交互感应;震卦的雷与巽卦的风相互激荡;坎卦的水和离卦的火互相为用,互不厌恶。八卦之间两两相错,形成四对,相互感应。追忆往事,是往后顺推;了解预知未来,是往前逆推。过去的人人皆可知晓,未来的却难以预料,只有通过《周易》的预测功能方可达到效果。所以,《

The Qian hexagram is high up on the sky and Kun hexagram is the earth under it. Yin and Yang are opposite and determine by their locations; Gen hexagram and Dui hexagram, the symbol of mountain and marsh and their breath are interlinked: water flows down from the mountains and water vapors evaporate upward to make a circle. Zhen hexagram and Xun hexagram, symbolize thunder and wind, which agitate each other. Kan hexagram and Li hexagram stand for water and fire which interact each other but never show aversion. The eight hexagrams are divided into four opposite pairs and each pair interacts to each other. Reminiscing about the past, we can make a retrospect. While learning to predict the future, we do the opposite, make a prospect. It is easy for one to know what has happened in the past. But it is not easy to foretell the future—it is almost unpredictable. Nevertheless, Zhouyi can help us to predict our future and this is why we call Zhouyi a study of reversed-prediction. It is easier for most of us to make a summary of the past. Such a summary should include the successful experiences and the failure as well. Only by going through such a process can we have a better understanding of what we have been doing and what we are going to do as well. It is more difficult to analyze what has been happening by the now-experiences. Nevertheless, one can make an accurate analysis of the situation if one possesses certain amount of material and enough experiences. A prospect or foretell,according to the now-experiences, is based on the present situation, the trend of social development, the environment, the experience of others, the laws of things. We call such a prediction a routine one. Here we introduce another way to predict the future, which is the prediction by using the doctrines from Zhouyi—viewing the world from the standing point of future, which is a pure philosophical concept based on the development process from the past to now. Generally speaking, such a way of thinking needs such a philosophical support. No matter how serious the situation is, it will become past memories at last. At that time, painful experiences will become the painless and happy experiences, the less delighted. This is the interpretation of the doctrine from Zhouyi—viewing the now world from the standing point of future.

My dear readers, when you meet again any happiness or sadness, you might use the doctrines introduced here and wait and see what will happen next. It is my hope that you face the situation calmly.