Create good feng shui must be proficient in Chinese and Taoist theory as one triple

The basic theory is that gossip doctrine feng shui theory, theory of yin and yang, the five elements theory, emphasizing the temporal constraints and the impact on human life, the "Book of Changes" architectural design program areas from divination to predict the halls of the introduction of human lives. The origin of the traditional Chinese medicine theory is also in the "Book of Changes" from the "Yellow Emperor", "Febrile Diseases," the ancient Chinese classics, all to easily manage explain Chinese medicine theory of yin and yang, the five elements theory, Heaven, in medicine on its head, so-called "medical Yi homologous", that is, marked the beginning of this. Later many physicians proficient Yi Li Shu Shu, and some even raised, "I do not know is easy enough words imperial."

TCM theory places great emphasis on the unity of man and nature. In the nature of human life among the necessary conditions for human survival exist in nature. At the same time, changes in nature and can directly or indirectly affect the human body, and the body to produce certain reactions correspondingly. It is physiological range is adaptive physical; beyond the physiological range is pathological response. Therefore, "Lingshu off evil," said: "The people and the world correspondingly"; "Lingshu-year-old Lucy," he said: "The man with the world is also coherent with the sun and the moon correspondingly." Because of this, when the disease to treat because, because of the ground, the person should become an important therapeutic principles of Chinese medicine on. And Feng Shui is to influence the nature of the human body should be adjusted to the optimal level (looking for the best space, and best time).

Yin and yang, time and space, the five elements, gossip, dry disposable human organs, emotions, both in feng shui qi with the Board, the theory of good fortune, is also medicine in medical consultation, analysis syndromes, diagnosis and treatment, especially acupuncture Therapy The main basis.

First proficient numerology, feng shui study must first learn a lot B, CD, Zichou Mao Yin, attribution of Health and restraint, yin and yang interaction, people know, but who can get to the bottom, who play out the pattern, very few. "Pocket depends from the stars," unless you ease, Shulan and chest, Qiazhiyisuan, God should immediately see, shocking, world spilled in your eyes will naturally be "fast, turbulent, waves, Kazuma battle, especially intoxicated. numerology feng shui key "qi" where qi is in a fixed gas field to the dragon under a clear case, qi, immediately knew her go veins, her soul, her the spirit, her future development.

Qi is not an ordinary B, CD, she is synonymous with the Star, and look down on me, that look down on yourself to prove that you do not understand anything.

A blind eyes, eyes of feng shui masters, to someone's home to see feng shui, the first half an hour with a ruler, or even twelve hours, go to "center" extremely ignorant, really let Yang Gong mad , contrary to the essence of feng shui "learn dragon by no eyesight, rolls of true possession is empty."

Eight Mansions sit grasp to Luan head, I said, "Eight Mansions" is not generally eight house theory, but generally refers to the Octagon to take the surrounding environment, sand water good and bad, is relatively "Tai Chi Center" may be. East and West Ruoguo say you do not know, would not be able to see feng shui. East and West still does not know, but also the East and West converted into a million times, can be identified by name to call it out, given a different life, the aura of the hill there is no dead piece, give him anthropomorphic, wear a hat, wear clothes, given a certain "angry" to determine the circumstances surrounding him to find his dragon, cave, sand, water and the like.

"Dragon not in the mountains mountains, hanging in the mountains; if the sand song stars positive, yielding sun god given." Long just sit real party is facing towards; dragon dragon is fixed to a change in direction.

Feng Shui mid-turn, as long as you take the positive, and then choose the right direction, good luck will come; you sit straight, dishonest, and sometimes luck, this is the principle of fairness Feng Shui, there are yin there is yang, good and there bad for anyone, anything, are treated the same; however, Avenue is the justice in this world, after all, more than good, less bad, villain 倡狂 is temporary, a gentleman of the road is long-lasting.

Triple triple stereo applications, the ternary is Heaven, Earth, triple sound is immersive, dynamic, very, also playing the coolest, taking into account aspects of feng shui theory, is the core of Yang Gong Feng Shui. In the diversity of today, three triple Feng Shui also became popular, gradually recognized by everyone cognition, also ancient Feng Shui we esteem, such as the Ming Dynasty Bingzhong, Liu Ji and so on, we can say the triple extreme interpretation of Feng Shui, the pattern one hundred, or even real ones, but still could not conceal the essence of part of.

"Sheng Fang Wang spawned towering, officer Wang from the peak Officer Paul students", first determine the pattern of good feng shui, set into the use of triple triple theory, combined with the fleeting Jupiter, the date when, under normal circumstances, taking into account the fulfillment or reach 90% or more.

It is Xuan Kong Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia and so on. The highest state of modern feng shui master pursued, do not go out with knowledge of world affairs, do not glimpse lattice window and see Heaven, occult, out of nothing, flicker others, but also fooled himself.

Because, after all, feng shui is a special industry, there are a lot of unknown, poorly explained concepts, Lookout Mountain run dead horse, far away, some Handan toddlers, some behind closed doors, did not eat and opinionated nerds everywhere Of course there are individual to the Flying Men top masters as an excuse, Jin Xiang Yu inlay, free coronation, advertised themselves as, in fact, is nothing but a fair without, foul, a stomach vegetables feces, suit, walking two days Good luck, East and West do not know.

In Feng Shui terms is called "virtual flower fake Point", but to deceive the public, even deceiving, phony, a shell. In fact, Xuan Kong Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, can only be said to be the highest level of academic, highbrow, in actual operation, it ambivalent, suspense many, many question marks, moreover, in the actual case, the error is large It might as well Hetu three yuan Sanhe National Games numerology, etc., has formed a system, a complete, three-dimensional, clear concept of time and space, makes clear, immediate, fit with God, horses to God.

Feng Shui for a description of best environmental model used in the four spirits - Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, basalt, it is also the patron saint of Taoism. Particularly people know is both consistent with the use of witchcraft and Taoist Praying, I wish curse, while popular in feng shui symbol town, we can say feng shui techniques and Taoist symbol town "character" of the same nature, are the divine to "sign" in the form attached to the items to be protected above. Such as Taoism and feng shui mirrors are focused on the use of the priests that son of a mysterious mirror function, it will be the income Taoism Wanbao bag, practice all you want to hang a mirror, and there are a lot of writing a book priests explain the usage of the mirror; that mirror the same feng shui There are strange magic, often suspended in the door of the house of the head, once said kagami or magic mirror, you can avoid evil fierce drive.

And so the use of innumerable witchcraft, no wonder many areas, said the tomb to see feng shui relative to the division as "priests" and true priests often use the above technique to help people explore some of the spirit of Feng Shui to eliminate disease disaster. In particular, some construction ritual, actually non-priest can not preside.

However, in no way we can therefore conclude that there is a simple relationship between them and the origins of feng shui mistake stems from Taoism, in fact they are like sisters as parallel development, mutual penetration. Such penetration for our study, "Influence of Taoist buildings feng shui" This issue has brought many difficulties today, because there are many theories have been unable to distinguish today belong to feng shui or belong to Taoism. Meanwhile feng shui and Taoism and maintain their properties.

Interestingly, a common respected Ching Taoism, Confucianism are two, actually incompatible. It speaks, publicly opposed the Confucian Taoism. As for Taoism, emphasizes nothingness, quiet, doing nothing, do not fight. Therefore, in the long historical stage is the Confucian China stole the show, has been in a position of obscurity. Supreme ancient hermit allusions and deeds, only sporadic scattered historical records. This situation, which like Jin Yong's martial arts, who imagined portrayed as good fight aggressive.