赐子千金,不如教子一艺;教子一艺,不如赐子好名;雅名做伴 岁月清芬!
 There’s a wise Chinese saying that goes like this, “Instead of giving your child gold, teach him a skill. Instead of teaching him a skill, bestow a good name upon your child.”

雅名做伴  岁月清芬!

Choosing an auspicious Chinese and English name for your baby
Philippines fengshui master Lucio co saidSelecting an auspicious name based on your child’s Bazi(八字) favorable element is one of the best gifts you can give!

If things are not going your way, the problem might lie in your name choice. Perhaps you might want to undergo a name change. Do something for yourself.  Try “correcting” your name and be the master of your life! A wise Chinese saying goes, ‘Fear not a bad life; be afraid to have a bad name.’ A name may appear to have a superficial function, but it can work wonders in boosting luck and positive vibes. This especially holds true when a baby is born. Singapore follows western influences and most children these days are called by their Christian names (e.g. John Lim or Celeste Tan), the auspicious Chinese name forgotten.

Take an example of this auspicious Chinese name
周杰伦: (8 strokes) (12 strokes) (10 strokes). The most important is 人格 between the surname and middle name or first name. 天格 is not relevant because it is fixed by surname and for Chinese name that consist of 2 Chinese characters e.g. 李嘉诚, 成龙刘德华,舒淇等

Why is having an auspicious Chinese baby name so important? Do not underestimate the importance of choosing an auspicious Chinese name for your child. It is irresponsible if insufficient thought is given to this crucial chapter of your child
s life. The name stays with the child forever! The name carries the hope and aspiration of the parents in their children. Like a corporate business, it is a brand. It is an inspiration. It is a motivating vision, a life goal and it serves as identification. On the contrary, if a name is not chosen properly, the child will be the target for mockery and ridicule throughout his life. Do not let your child bear the burden of unintended bullying. Having a great name is one of the 10 main ingredients of life to succeed. They are destiny (), luck (),  Fengshui (风水), name (姓名) and hard work (读书) and the rest read on. Ones name is influence ones path to success and having a good name is extremely important. A good and auspicious name can positively influence a persons career, marriage, health and relationship. Feng shui master uses the childs birth profile (Ba Zi) to analyze his or her favorable elements and give you a choice of 8 combinations. The criteria of the 8 combinations are based on sound, the meaning of the word choice, the element of the word choice, number of strokes and match the compatibility of the profiles element shortfall or rectify the imbalance of the five elements. The intensity to compete for good career and other opportunities has become more aggressive as companies are more international and global in an open market economy and the pressure to succeed is spurring young people, to seek the extras to give them the edge in their career resume. Local Singaporeans have to compete with foreign talents for the same job. How keen the competition it is.

Information we need to provide an auspicious Chinese name:

·         The exact date and time of birth

·         Any middle name that you want (because of Chinese family history)

·         Any Chinese character preference for name

·         Your Chinese surname

This service is valued at ¥3000(RMB)

·         The recommended Chinese names will be sent to you via email with minimum 8 choices of middle name and 8 choices of last name. A combination of 64 names.

·         一命二运三风水, 四积德五读书 , 六名, 七相, 八敬神, 九交贵人, 十养生.

A persons name ranks no.6 in importance of the Chinese astrology and has a supplementary effect on the persons luck cycle, unlike Ba Zi Analytics, Geomancy, Fengshui audit which has a more direct impact. In the selection of names, there are certain constraints such as surname, gender in addition to certain genealogical practice, preferred Chinese middle names / characters that can or cannot be used, poor-sounding names, meaning of each character, choice of the single characters etc.


