Fortuna Temple & Feng Shui Consultant

供奉财帛星君、五路招财、文武义财神、招财元帅大将军、进宝童子、天公佛祖、南海观音、天生圣母、清水祖师、济公、包公、雷王、清王、广泽尊王、保生大帝等诸王爷千岁,代天巡狩,香火鼎旺,灵验非凡,欢迎来拜佛求财、开财库得财源广进、开桃花得美满姻缘、开吉运得万事顺利、开文昌得学位仕途,种生基得功名健康,消灾解厄、化太岁除官司。有求必应,逢求必灵。菲殿址:#861,Banawe St, cor., Linao St {beiside of Figaro café}. 志工联系:02-7752577, 0917-853448,0923-6399355{sun}

中国:厦门思明区会展三期7号106,志工联系:15906064408, 13599222408 

Our temple dedicated to the God of wealth, the Incenses are very Exuberant and efficacious, welcome to worship here seeking good luck and income, the temple focus on serving: open treasury to have plenty of money; open peach to have happy marriage; open good fortune to get everything is smoothly; open Wenchang to get good learnings and career; plant life base to get fame and health; to get rid of misfortunes or sufferings; To relieve lawsuits or conflicting Taisui. All these are very efficacious.

Philippine Temple address: # 861, Banawe St, cor, Linao St , Pls volunteers contact :02-7752577, 0917-853448,0923-6399355 {sun}.. 

China address: 106, no.7, International Exhibition III, Siming District, Xiamen, china, volunteers contact: 15906064408, 13599222408