

  预测- 不是坐等事情的发生,而是更好的规划未来


Fortuna Temple & Feng Shui Consultant

供奉财帛星君、五路招财、文武义财神、招财元帅大将军、进宝童子、天公佛祖、南海观音、天生圣母、清水祖师、济公、包公、雷王、清王、广泽尊王、保生大帝等诸王爷千岁,代天巡狩,香火鼎旺,灵验非凡,欢迎来拜佛求财、开财库得财源广进、开桃花得美满姻缘、开吉运得万事顺利、开文昌得学位仕途,种生基得功名健康,消灾解厄、化太岁除官司。有求必应,逢求必灵。菲殿址:#861,Banawe St, cor., Linao St {beiside of Figaro café}. 志工联系:02-7752577, 0917-853448,0923-6399355{sun}

中国:厦门思明区会展三期7号106,志工联系:15906064408, 13599222408   http://www.wlfengshui.com 

Our temple dedicated to the God of wealth, the Incenses are very Exuberant and efficacious, welcome to worship here seeking good luck and income, the temple focus on serving: open treasury to have plenty of money; open peach to have happy marriage; open good fortune to get everything is smoothly; open Wenchang to get good learnings and career; plant life base to get fame and health; to get rid of misfortunes or sufferings; To relieve lawsuits or conflicting Taisui. All these are very efficacious.

Philippine Temple address: # 861, Banawe St, cor, Linao St , Pls volunteers contact :02-7752577, 0917-853448,0923-6399355 {sun}.. 

China address: 106, no.7, International Exhibition III, Siming District, Xiamen, china, volunteers contact: 15906064408, 13599222408 http://www.wlfengshui.com

Asian feng shui master Xu Shaofeng 亚洲风水大师许少锋

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Business name, company name, estate name, shop name, baby name, and adult renamed, the first person in East Asia big Xu Shaofeng Feng Shui according to your innate character, yin and yang, numerology astrology, combined with God is best for you to take the Grand Canal acquired names. East Asia, the first person to provide predictive fortune feng shui master Xu Shaofeng, supernatural event handling. Marriage, wealth, family, career, future knew good fortune.