




還記得意大利筆記本老牌 MOLESKINE 先後於前年及去年,與中國時尚品牌上海灘合作,推出以來年生肖為主題的週記及筆記本,非常搶手。今年,兩大品牌再度交手合作。是次帶來的為 2014 馬年限量版硬皮封面風水週記及三款彩色硬皮封面筆記本,各具其獨特色彩。
不同於龍年及蛇年的黑色封面,系列先以上海灘標誌搶眼的色調吸引大家注意。週記的封面用上深藍色,而筆記本則備有天藍色、深 藍色及鮮橙色;橡筋箍環方面,則採用了深藍、青綠等色系。摒棄早已跟大家碰面的橙黃、草綠、粉紅及淺紫四款彩色系列,讓人耳 目一新。色調以外,封面上滲透中國文化元素的花紋圖案——以七巧板的三角形、正方形及平行四邊形拼湊出一匹又一匹駿馬,同樣 叫人為之着迷。源自中國古代宋朝的七巧板代表智力考驗;駿馬圖案則象徵著活力睿智、積極進取。兩者融合,相得益彰,貼合主題 之餘亦帶有一絲可愛的味道。

Shanghai Tang for Moleskine 2014 Year of the Horse Feng Shui Diary $428
Shanghai Tang for Moleskine Year of the Horse Limited Edition Plain / Ruled Notebook $350

銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號408號店 2506 3668


全球知名的傳奇筆記本Moleskine與風行世界的中國時尚品牌上海灘,繼2012龍年和2013蛇年的成功協作,今年再度聚焦傳統中國文化元素,送蛇迎 馬,合作推出2014馬年限量版硬封面風水週記和三款彩色硬封面筆記本,為中國文化愛好者帶來精緻實用、極具收藏價值的獻禮。




Shanghai Tang for Moleskine Feng Shui Diary and Large Notebook

Mole­skine and Shanghai Tang collaborate again to launch a new 2014 Feng Shui Diary & a unique coloured limited-edition notebook collection.


Shanghai Tang for Moleskine 2014 Year of the Horse Feng Shui Diary

Inspired by Chinese artistic creativity, the cover features a sophisticated horse pattern on their covers infused in an array of chic, Shanghai Tang-inspired colour combinations. Invented in China during Song Dynasty, the Tangram was a puzzle of 7 flats shapes pieces designed to evaluate one's intelligence. Combined with the distinctive shape of horse, the contemporary and minimal motif brings together a symbol of energy, mobility and wisdom.

The Feng Shui Diary includes unique Chinese features such as horoscopes for 2014, Feng Shui tips, and insights from Shanghai Tang's official Feng Shui master, Mr. Koon Zhi Zheng (上官知正師傅) , on how to live a healthy, prosperous life in the year of the horse. The plain notebooks come in both ruled and plain formats, perfect for sketches, notes, stories and ideas.

*Feng Shui advice is available in Shanghai Tang for Moleskine Feng Shui Diary only
*Free Delivery Worldwide available while stock last