The hot topic now is Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link. Albeit I disagree the government's decision that the terminal of this express link is placing in West Kowloon, it can be explained by the Feng Shui theory why the station is placed in there.

According to the Feng Shui theory, between 2004 and 2023, any places where its south-west part is connecting with water will be developed rapidly. West Kowloon is one of these places in Hong Kong. For that reason, it is foreseeable that the terminal is placed in West Kowloon.

However, I must advise the government that since, in accordance with the information provided by the government, this express link will be in service in 2016. which is only 7 years before 2023 year, this means that it can only make contributions to HK for 7 years. After 2023 year, I can guarantee that this express link will not be beneficial to Hong Kong and deficit will be found in its balance sheet after 2023 year. Moreover, it will be the major reason that HK will become recession after 2023. Thus, HK government, please suspend it.