The mysteries of life and human aura chakras, spiritual universe of mutual co-induction of Heaven

In charge of the consciousness of our existence, that is, we can not survive well in this material world, can not well integrated into the community, down to earth to survive on Earth, this chakra is about our survival instinct is To eat, housing, wearing (basic), etc. If this chakra development good friends will live and work, earth work, a sense of security. If you live in the first chakra friends, in addition to more than talent, will be only in order to survive and live life every day just to consider the problem of existence of sexual manipulation, or fear, no lofty goals, there is no ideal, do not know how to enjoy and so on.


Chakra called umbilical round, this place in our navel, is in charge of our emotions, the desire to enjoy, etc., this chakra is about our love, relationships, emotional exchanges, lust for life (the pursuit of enjoyment, etc.) This good friend chakra development, will be particularly cordial gentle, very human touch, Yixing Yuan good, good relationships, to enjoy life, live in the moment. But if you just live in the second chakra friends, in addition to more than talent, will focus only on the emotional life, the pursuit of love, pleasure-seeking, not aggressive like. This chakra also represents the relationship with his mother.

Chakra called sun wheel, in our two ribs junction, this chakra is about our power, ego, power, desire, willpower and the like. Good friends this chakra development, will be particularly sunny, full of strength, joy, confidence, perseverance, know how to choose. But if you just live in the third chakra friends in addition to more than talent, will also focus on power, like control, conceited or arrogant, personal willpower too strong for their high requirements on others.


Chakra called the heart chakra, in the middle of our hearts, Chinese medicine called "Tan in the hole", the chakra on our compassion, love, tolerance, acceptance, understanding, unconditional love. This chakra development will be particularly good friend compassion, loving, gentle, soft, healing ability, can unconditional acceptance and accommodate each other. But live only in the fourth chakra friends in addition to more than talent, we will only consider the dedication, self-sacrifice, vulnerable, compromise, considerate man, and so easy to forget.

Chakra called the throat chakra, around our throat, this chakra about our self-expression, the expression of the inherent divinity, expression, creativity, communication skills, artistic talent and so higher. Development of this chakra good friend of skills, communication skills will be particularly good, will express divinity from within Word, expression full of positive words, creativity, strong, good at painting, dance, music to express themselves. Throat chakra also rules our faith values, we said that we actually lies. But if the only live in the fifth chakra person, in addition to more than talent, there will just show themselves and express their wish to express, without regard to the acceptance of others, living in their own world, indifferent, not connected with the outside world Wait.


Chakra called eyebrows round, in the middle of our forehead and eyebrows of two, known as the third eye, the chakra on our wisdom, neutrality, insight, intuition and so on. This chakra development good friends, wisdom will be very high, looking at things objectively neutral, insight strong, strong intuition, imagination and rich. But if you just live in the sixth chakra friends, in addition to more than talent, will excessive calm, no emotion, no expression of emotion, not love sports, mobility and poor. Local, please re-upload

Chakra called the crown chakra, on top of our heads within one meter, this chakra on our spiritual connection with nature, the universe connection, enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, Heaven and the like. This chakra development good friends, savvy particularly high, especially interested in the universe, like to explore the mystery and the unknown, the origin of human beings have a deep interest in spiritual high, with a large heart of love and cosmic consciousness. But if you just live in the seventh chakra friends, in addition to more than talent, will be easy to live in the spiritual, the strict law of people, wider than the self, detached from reality, cynical, only the pursuit of spirituality, do not know how to live, and society derailment, even escapism like.

The human body is a small universe, all of the outside world is a big universe, not a small universe and the universe is not the same, but the mutual induction, mutual influence, mutual harmony, mutual promotion and mutual psychic, exchange and so on, this is Heaven together One, called the day that we see the outside world can not see everything. Chakra system is composed of a man and a glimpse of the whole universe and everything in the universe and all life in their respective positions evolution or evolution is moving wheel position exists, select the. He was so vast and great, shining absolute power in the giant light, everything eternally follow with wheel vortex of dense cover him just the tonic of great column.


A total of fifteen human chakra: to wheel a, a, round five of the universe, a virtual round body round seven, sheave. Universe elements: matter, energy, information, mental, spiritual, void, overall. The correspondence between the name of each round and each element and each wheel of the properties as follows:


Ground round.
Heart feet under. Black light. Provenance.


File under. Red light. Microscopic substances.

Reproductive round
Below the belly button. Orange light. Gas energy.

Umbilical round
Umbilical. Yellow light. Light group structured information layer. Gantong supernatural ability.

Heart Chakra
Chest. Green light. Group consciousness of light, spiritual level. Communication skills.

neck. Blue light. Macross light group of primary heart field. creativity.

Eyebrows round
Eyebrows. Violet light. Light Group Macross network of deep spiritual field. Consciousness force.

Top round
Head Baihui. Golden light. Spirituality of light group, limit the mind games. Wisdom force.

Overhead. White shade. Pure of light group, life is meaningless.

Earth Round
Rail month. White shade. Fine light group, Earth vanity.

The sun wheel
Sun office. White shade. Xujing group of light, the sun is vanity.

Galaxy wheel
The galactic center. White shade. Light group emptiness, Galaxy vanity.

Small universe wheel
Small center of the universe. White shade. Light group empty, empty small universe.

Macrocosm round
Great center of the universe. White shade. There was no light, large cosmic void.

Virtual round
This void, there is no light, there is only clear, ultra feel empty. Show the real universe, as a whole. Since the start of round three body, can be beyond time and space; since the days of the shackles of time and space above the wheel does not exist. Since the beginning of the heart chakra, life begins qualitative change; since the days of round, life can raise self; since the beginning of the universe wheel, began to move toward the same life and the universe, stepwise ability gave birth to all things, and that is the essence of the Rescued capacity.

Scanning the human body by using Reiki chakra system (energy centers) and health information that the body, emotional state, energy balance or not, and so on. Visible Human chakra system bears a great amount of information, to show us the psychological condition of the individual soul. Perhaps we are very curious as to why you scan through Reiki can easily understand each other, in fact, the principle is very simple. As long as you understand the information presented by the body chakras, then you will know why the White Dragon King Xu master can easily scan to your physical and mental condition of.


After attunement (initiation), it has the ability to use Reiki when his / her hands through when scanned by the energy center, it will sense the other side of the gas field, and can touch the other side of the gas field edge . So be aware of the various chakras are out of the flow of the gas field strength.


We first introduce the chakra system, while watching a complete piece of introduction, you want to experience the students, our teachers can find gas field scanning. We provide on-site and network scanning experience, willingness to learn Reiki friends and our teachers can contact. Chakra means distributed in the body seven energy hub, respectively the head, eyebrows, throat, chest center, near the navel, lower abdomen and coccyx. It is believed that the role of the chakras is the function of the body to various organs, influencing emotional, spiritual, and are closely linked and colors. From bottom to top are orange, yellow, purple indigo.


Philosophy that chakras exist in the body, in charge of the physical and mental functioning. In physiology and organ function related; in terms of the psychological impact of the emotional and mental. Chakra color-coded, and thus derived color therapy. Meaning that utilize energy in the life of the body and soul of color natural therapy, giving a sense of physical and mental well-being and return to a balanced state of health.


The second part of our body's energy system is the seven Chakras. These Chakras are the body of energy import and export, import and export in the body of these seven main, it is generally said that there are seven Chakras. But in fact, in addition to the seven large, there are many small, distributed body. Meridian is the same, in addition to three main, there are many small. The human body medicine today know far more complex.

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Just today, I was thankful; through what they have to thank me, the universe will continue to reward me more. Even when everything unhappy, but also to thank all the life experience, both physically and mentally are just attracted to learning situations. Overall attitude of gratitude will make my life became endless riches show.


Just today, I trust everything, no longer worried. Everything has its own sacred trust cosmic purpose, remain attached to the results of the silent heart, to make personnel listen to fate. I surrender to really, really ready to follow their own desire, opportunity, will naturally fall into place.


Just today, I accepted everything, no longer angry. All I am angry condemnation, what I fear, guilt hiding place. Also accept others accept their original appearance, the whole existence is as I now look to need me. Stop judgment, no condemnation, just enjoy, accept each moment truthful.


Just today, I was loyal to the job. Self faithful way to choose my work, this work will be able to help them grow up and wise use of time, this work will be able to expand my spiritual talent, while the interests of social groups. Enjoy, respect my work, and to share it brings all rich.


Just today, I feel love and respect the universe. All Cunhu heart, all things are vibrating, All That all is infinite own extension. I construct the sacred origin of all things, I was the source of endless love. I am grateful to accept all the rich, and receive the grace everywhere. From cherish themselves, respect themselves begin, Suishun love action, but also to spread this love shining out to the surrounding, and even the universe.


Through thank myself have: Because the Universe wanted to give you something more, so you have to humble thanks moment they have some material life. (Material life: All eyes have seen the people and things) even when at all unhappy, physically and mentally attracted to learning situations: that the universe to give you a course of learning, it is to give you eternal wisdom , to look at the nature of the troubles, and training a substance not to be bound by the framework of the heart, and physical and mental ease.


Overall attitude of gratitude will make my life became an endless abundance presents: the attitude of gratitude is the starting point of all grace, a harbor selfish, self-serving and ease people's minds will be poor people, relies instead will be difficult wealthy.


Everything I trust: trust everything has its own sacred universe purpose, relies instead on where things are happening around them, is a good thing, to have a positive meaning. The only difference between the wisdom of judgment and choice (due to), that will determine the outcome is the fruit of joy or pain.


Also accept others accept their original appearance, the whole existence is as I now look to need me: Pay attention to your emotions, stop judging right and wrong and the value of all people and things, do not condemn it was no use, only admire accept each moment honestly, do not let yourself fall into a "event" to your pain inside potholes. Let yourself calm down a language choice and action. A goodness of language and action choices, make that "event" change toward the results you want.


Working couples, housewives, students, employees have their own roles to play, you see now, is your own choice. And it gives you the hearty Thanksgiving. There are rumors that the couple descendants of Yan Gong, housewife mothers have the power, the students have the power to grow and learn, the staff has a production value of power ...... all the work is spread spirituality and talent, both in the interests of social groups aim.


Everything Vibration: spiritual experience are receiving one frequency, it is All That unlimited extension. Gratitude and love "action" action is a kind of vibration is all karma and grace is received. Let this love shining out to spread around, and even the universe: how to pay to go, how will the recovery will be more to come.

Now Ren Bailong Wang Xu Shaofeng is the only Taoist worship Buddha Bailong princes care world. Master Xu open eye in the sky 16 years, 36 years as abbot palace Nanyang world, he is Bailong princes who incarnate human flesh body, efficacious Buddha can lead children to his body, which we call the Buddha possessed to help worshipers.

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