Feng Shui is space science, its future must be recognized as a natural science!

Character is what people usually say life, after the character arrangement usually also determine a person's departure time and thus began by delaying eight years, every ten years for a group divided into eight groups, each month of birth began to shun or push against the performance of the eight Lunar combination sequentially allocated on each group, every Lunar configuration corresponds to the group's leader, the leader in numerology called the Grand Canal, so each life is generally made with eight Grand Canal to project, every Grand Canal in ten years called fleeting, fleeting Earthly Branches (Lunar New Year) is called Jupiter. So we often say that the fate of the character and the Grand Canal is actually a general term, you can calculate the specific combination of fleeting time of important events, or even accurate to the month, of course, the greater the probability inevitable deviation occurs higher accuracy requirements, it is common sense You do not have to elaborate.


Word, character telling fact, a comprehensive analysis of attribution between time of birth as well as between them represented attribution Grand Canal fleeting interactions and interdependence of yin and yang relationship, and then infer from this special relationship and classes as in the specific events and time the event occurred.


So do not need telling academic nor superstition. It is purely natural interpretation of time and space law. So in the end be able to interpret the character telling what information it? Although each character in the Grand Canal and information contained vary, but generally may include the following categories: academic, a successful career life, and life the Lord related relatives could, grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, children, spouse , status, major disaster injuries, job promotion, marriage and changes in lifespans, and the specific time of occurrence of these important events, the ancestral home of the time of birth and the graves of the state space, and so on.


In the information contained in the above character is particularly critical is the last point that "birth state of ancestral lands and space graves," and this information is really intriguing. Through class as a large number of actual cases show not only the time of birth of the Lunar character representation is also the ancestral home and the ancestral space representing the state, this is a very strange phenomenon.


So why space ancestral lands and ancestral state will appear in the person's character, that is why the space contains both in time? Is it the reality of space or time only one side of the grand space of time but a process? It all needs to be further penetrated, but the existence of this phenomenon is no doubt. Through this strange phenomenon we can easily think of traditional metaphysics culture --- another aspect of feng shui.


In ancient feng shui feng shui, also known as "Kan Yu", first appeared in the Qin and Han Dynasty, Han Xu Shen explained: "Kan who also authentic Heaven", which is Yang Guan astronomy and look down at the geographical meaning, this expression and "easy copulative biography "The argument is the same. Since the survey is the core idea of ​​the geographical focus Tibetan style poly water, so future generations will simply call it feng shui.


Feng Shui survey includes Amityville Horror and the mansion, Amityville Horror is the ancestral tombs, the mansion is living residence houses. Feng Shui Yin and Yang in house applications adhering to the same principle, but because of the different nature of the two, so very different methods used, but it seems to be no major breakthrough in theory, from modern humanistic outlook is actually a study to analyze the feng shui humans and there is a space (environment) knowledge, the mansion is the existence of people living space, Amityville Horror is the existence of space remains after death.


Feng Shui can influence the fate of the people, good feng shui can make family harmony, children and grandchildren stretches, prosperity, feng shui reflects the transformation of human environment, enhancing quality of survival, the pursuit of good wishes harmonious coexistence between man and nature. When this ancient knowledge in the hearts of his countrymen but also many foreign countries have already skeptical of the Chinese feng shui theory and environmental studies, architecture, genetics combining to rise to the level of academic study.


Feng Shui millennium spread, and, like other branches of metaphysics also doped with a lot of superstition ingredient trick, after the reform and opening Feng Shui and modern architectural design combined Quweicunzhen gradually come to the market, company operation.


So this space feng shui how it acts on the human destiny it? This question needs further study, but it and the time together with people born in that moment together form the elements of fate and impact of his life, that there are numerous examples to prove.


General said fortunetelling, horoscopes numerology mainly refers to, or called character telling, is the fate of a person's life prediction, description and inference. After adjusting the results for its good and bad, is feng shui.


It is to focus on the fate of a person, adjust their destiny in space, supplemented or revised, is feng shui, which means that character is destiny forecast numerology, feng shui is the fate of adjustment.


By analyzing the two sentences to explain, to illustrate the relationship between telling and feng shui, or geomancy between fate. Most commonly seen in the number of patients world has two sentences, or call the two statements, there is an argument, a two-bedroom three grave character. Also a saying: one life two transport three feng shui. So, how to understand these two words mean? These two words are these two aspects of meaning. First, before a person is born for, "a two-bedroom three grave character."


To produce a good character, the first prerequisite is "a grave second wife." The so-called "grave" is the graves, the cemetery is buried ancestors for generations. Called "a grave", first graves good feng shui, Reiki, in order to produce offspring have good character, first by the graves of nature and man, heaven and earth Zhong Ling, in order to produce offspring of good character, and character is good, to an officer fortune, that rich.


That is to say, a person in order to get a good character, first person not born before this, the graves of their ancestors to have good feng shui, reiki heaven and earth to be able to get a good character. So speaking, congenital condition of a person's character are mostly determined by its ancestral grandfather, because most people were born, his grandfather is living mostly.


Of course, if a person in the two years before his birth, his grandfather had died, it would affect his character, in fact, Heaven induction grave is divided into two aspects, one is a man born Heaven ancestral graves before induction, it is possible to obtain a good character; on the other hand, after a person is born grandparents, ancestors, including his grandfather, Heaven induction grave after the death of his father, can influence, to ensure that the family life for generations, and we should be lucky in this life and the degree of success of fortune.


The so-called "room" is the ancestral house, old house, that ancestors lived for generations, or before a person is born parents live in houses. The so-called "second wife" is a grave under the prerequisite of good feng shui, followed by good feng shui to their ancestral home, to have Reiki, a good character to produce offspring.


From these two conditions, namely an Amityville Horror, a mansion, home of yin and yang, feng shui elements constitute the innate before a person is born. First, the yin and yang of the house by the innate factors that determine a person to produce a good or bad character congenital conditions.


This is "a grave establishing another three character" meaning of this sentence. Second, after a person is born, it is applicable to "a life second operation three feng shui" this sentence. This sentence means that: the fate of a person's life, is a life two transport three feng shui composition. The so-called "life" is a man of character. Flash is a person at birth, a person by the date when the Lunar composed character, this character is called "life" or "life Bureau," "pattern."


The so-called "a life", is the fate of a person's life, first by the people's "life" is the character of the decision. This man's character, it was decided the man's life rich and poor, the basic situation of Hong Shouyao disease.


Character is a prerequisite for a person's life destiny. The so-called "Win" is the Grand Canal a person's life, a person's life lucky. Horoscopes numerology forecast is a system, which provides the fate of a person's life is composed of two parts, the part of the "life" part of the "Win."


"Life" is a man of character; "Win" is system generated by the character out of a person's life to be walking leg, away. "Win" also includes "Grand Canal" and the "Win", "Little Games" three aspects, while the fate of the general said all refer to the Grand Canal, every 10 years as a Grand Canal fortune, that you want to run a Grand Canal 10 years. Thus, a person's life which you want to run 7-8 to 10 months to the Grand Canal. Every 10 years, called "one of the Grand Canal", therefore, come the first of several Grand Canal, and called "the first steps of the Grand Canal," the first few fortunes.


 "Second Win" is a person's life is good or bad, under the precondition of life, depends on the person walking the Grand Canal. Thus, he said, "a life second operation" is about the life of the order and cooperation and transport problems. One who wants to rich developed, the first character is good, the second Grand Canal also good, and good character with a good Grand Canal, meteoric rise to life, that rich.


 "Three feng shui", where the Feng Shui feng shui refers acquired after a person is born, including the people living houses, workplaces, acquired its own name and a series of feng shui factor. There is also a room of factors, but the room said the new house, a new house, that is, after the man married and live in houses, as well as the workplace. This means that the fate of a person's life, the life of rich and poor, in addition to the fate and transport of these two congenital factors, but also, and this person has a close relationship acquired feng shui factor. That is "a life two transport three feng shui."


Numerology, horoscopes numerology believe that a person's life destiny first by the character, that is, "life" to the decision, which is innate factors, and other factors, a person born after lifetime live in houses, work places, as acquired factors, That acquired Feng Shui factors capable of character destiny innate factors play a supporting role, you can increase or decrease the degree of good and bad fate and even change its innate factors, a solution can be every fierce, even good luck.


Feng Shui is both telling and numerology, two steps, horoscopes numerology to predict the fate of Feng Shui is the fate of adjustment. That is to say, in a broad sense telling argument, including fortune-telling and feng shui two aspects.


Horoscopes numerology forecast judged, after a feng shui adjustment. If you want to adjust a person acquired feng shui, it must first be numerology forecast after forecast based on the results of this man's character feng shui adjustments. Because only the character factors is cut off the man's own fundamental factors, and all common principles, common law can only be a general principle, and whether this person might not fit. So speaking, adjust any of feng shui, the person must be in accordance with the Board's character to life, rather than some of the adjustments in accordance with general principles of Universal.


 "Three feng shui" means according to the character is life Bureau to adjust their feng shui, to avoid the increasingly fierce guitar. But now, in fact, horoscopes numerology and feng shui in many cases are separate, do not do a lot of feng shui horoscopes numerology, horoscopes numerology and even rejection, and some even believe that only feng shui is a scientific and rational, and horoscopes numerology is nonsense . This is one of the biggest reasons is that horoscopes numerology embarrassment of their own development, its own half-baked, fragmented situation, not only by people in the industry is difficult to truly master, but can not be recognized by society.


Many people prefer to engage in feng shui, numerology horoscopes do not want to tease the dill chaos. Because from the perspective of feng shui some more intuitively, relatively easy to grasp, and horoscopes numerology abstract, too complex, coupled with the theoretical system has not formed an accurate, complete, scientific, systematic, always a muddy pond, and thus do not want to unable to extricate themselves trapped. Thus, the real breakthrough horoscopes numerology, is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of all the number of patients.


Of course, this requires professional excavation decade of research and theoretical accumulation, especially also requires considerable opportunity, or historical opportunity to achieve, not simply put forward two years, three to five years will be able to achieve. This is always in a half-baked character numerology, the root cause of history outside the coke in the tender conditions. Therefore, a good character generation is a very complex problem between nature and man.


While one person horoscopes numerology predictions infer judged; for a person's fate feng shui adjustments, but also a very complex, very specialized systems engineering, the market is far from the surface so simple. Therefore, to a good solution to the problem of the fate of feng shui, looking for a real character numerology, feng shui experts are very critical thing.


Destiny is time and space law, to transform the destiny we must first recognize that such a law, which is a prerequisite. Feng Shui is space science, feng shui is a manifestation of consciousness transformation initiative fate, its future must be recognized as the natural sciences.


From the application of this law must first understand the laws prerequisite departure then it must first be numerology feng shui master, if a person can not be applied correctly calculate character space to determine their fate must not grasp the laws of this space, then it is hard to imagine This person can apply such a law to transform fate, after all, the fate of Feng Shui is based on changing the destiny, to understand this simple truth after being deceived by fake feng shui completely avoided.


The strength of a feng shui master the simplest and most practical way is to give him a stranger time of birth to verify the status of ancestral lands and the graves of feng shui that is the space situation at birth. If he can correctly infer space state (feng shui) at birth horoscopes contained, then there must also be able to grasp the space in front of the state. Decide how the space can not read fate may use space to change destiny? This is like a doctor must first diagnose cure the disease, and can address the problem, I do not know anything of the disease and the good doctor? This is only a trick Antiaris, phony who must be visible.