Zhong Sheng group, what person case, who wants to build, have come true,

Health-based feng shui environment impact on people is very important. Wind and water Amityville Horror mansion, mansion feng shui means residential, office buildings, office buildings, shops feng shui, especially in commercial properties friends, more should pay attention to this aspect. Because time and space people live mainly in residential, office buildings, office buildings, shops, the magnetic field of these spaces can have on the human body and mind a great impact, especially good feng shui, excellent environment, strong local cultural tastes You can shock a person's soul, so as to have changed outside to inside.

Zhong Sheng group, is "the foundation of life," meaning stranger when the dead do, the use of feng shui, Chinese medicine, Taoism, Men shield armor approach to strangers body hair, and skin or clothing, along with the hour character buried Health (life) grave, to transport purposes, types of student groups can help people enhance fortune. Cai Yun, Wang career, Wang official transport, Wang elegant, prosperous school, Wang peach prosperous marriage, you can change the marriage ring true status, and has the art of thinking and vision, with clever this talent of and spell fate, for Feng Shui judgment both fast and accurate. Good feng shui luck changed, too pretentious student group feng shui masters.

First destiny is poor, weak as long as the intention to run the day after tomorrow, may be good fortune group of students, dehydration turn-kun, to urge government, increasing longevity, into Paul, Lucky, life insurance, special education results. Who knows tomorrow fortunes body healthy, fine, gas, God buoyant, is the fundamental of life. Even if we have ten billion assets tycoon, if life is zero, all in vain. You now have been very good, but always wanted to "better tomorrow than today", can be pretentious student group, to create a more favorable advantages for yourself, even better.

Infirm, struck born groups can strengthen the soul, gain fitness, weakening the strong resolve disaster and, where there is karma, done in the main house have also been verified. Taichung Sincere cemetery founder, Zeng Nan teacher, according to their students in the article reveals: the teacher had originally frail, since doing business groups for their treatment after they have the older the more robust, up the mountain to find the dragon endurance full, are Ghost Whisperer get raw base effect.

Deceased cremated graves lined graves of help helpless offspring, since ancient times, many have verified popularity has not diminished. In recent years, there are a few rich families of deceased family members, still overcome adhere to the "burial", the importance of feng shui, visible in general. Yi Feng Shui help of these people have been lined enjoy the many years or generations, that look mysterious Feng Shui can create a descendant of advantages. However, most people know the geography longitudinal important, graves and no geographical conditions, even hair fierce, however due to involving brothers, elders, re-interment is not easy. Only pretentious student group, the most direct induction, self-improvement, to create advantages, all others not contain.

Mansion poor career will not ring true modern urban jungle of houses, not to mention the geographical Fukusuke, external pattern "shape evil" impulse radio has a lot of negative impact, so that the family fortune flow, physical damage, and even born abnormal, although I have asked the teacher of evil spirits, but not whole removed. At this point, the only means of transport for the benefit of law students-opening.

What people can do, what people do not fit, you must first be carefully goodness Dehou people, filial piety, with kindness, compassion, sincere and courtesy, sky download Pro on to Germany, the Health group also everyone Crawford test, there is Crawford, could easily find a "heaven and earth aura gather mountains" of the land, Crawford modest person, even traveled the famous picturesque vain.

How long action will happen? Everyone character different? Different talents and fortune? Living conditions are different? The fastest 15 days to take effect three months! The best are made Mao Yin Fa (ie Yinshi as raw base, Mao Shi on onset) is a special affinity of the people. Usually in the latter half of the gas began to push the dragon! If only the general office workers, often pushing the utility on Long gas will be relatively slow, one year to two years, long gas will contribute to changing environment, creating another clear way out! The so-called Ming Road outset is not fixed, it will be pushed to belong to itself beneficial cause.

Health group made specific steps for special reasons inconvenience Ming speak, Jiri Zhong Sheng group of day-date Wang Zhong Sheng group marriage, Tian Yi Zhong Sheng-based day treatment, the solution God day official non-glycosylated species born a miscarriage of justice, the day the amnesty day Baiwujinji , I wanted anything.

Avoid buried Sanheshan: Shenzi Chen life, avoid burial Shenzi Chen Hill. Yin Xu afternoon life, avoid burial Yin Xu afternoon mountain. Pat unitary ugly life, avoid burial has been unitary ugly mountain. Hai Mao is not life, not avoid burial Hai Mao Shan.

Optional triple bogey whole life, when Kuni day. Example: Optional Shenzi Chen Ji Chen stranger life time and date when the unitary day, more than imitation of.

Optional bogey at full life inclusive tone five elements tomb absolutely dead date. Example: Lunar natal satisfied tone is water, starting from the application longevity, antegrade twelve longevity tactic, absolutely dead in the tomb of Mao when Tatsumi day. I imitation of.

Optional bogey tomb day that Chen Xu ugly end all bogey.

Offerings, life does not have to worship the grave, only worship Houtu, mountain land.

Main house main house family worship or prayer or worship geographic divisions are represented worship Houtu, mountain land, I read said: "Houtu, mountain land, this auspicious day when good, XXX now in this grave birthday party, special equipment Daikin treasure, three fruit for King Houtu, mountain land of the gods, Wan Wang Houtu, mountain land Chici bless XXX in this peaceful order, please Kyrgyzstan photo. "

When gravestone, if stand long after, Metropolitan bad, there may be invisible gods tease, to worship the gods of land Bingming no malice, seeking to bless make himself well-built, and then thank Daikin treasure. Burned to the mountain land, mow five gold, five silver paper. When gravestone, compass about to be exact. In the absence of Xie Jin minutes before the tombstone can be moved. Kim Joo points gravestone To prevail.

Sheng Ji Shou grave Key:

There did not come dragon, to have no gas.

There is no knot hole.

Eliminate sand satisfied that no proper water.

There is no god of water into the hall, fierce water out yet.

God of water into the hall, whether magnetic life to right.

Select Health group life grave precautions, open raw base buried more cautious than we can, and sometimes do not imprudent, but self-defeating.

Shou tomb set points gold, ground-breaking, all Taboo according to burial. Day selection should take mountain and hill sit natal longevity, Emperor Wang, Lu expensive, guitar god ...... and so on. Such as:

Yuan when seeking life itself, you should choose your own path of Paul, longevity, Emperor Wang.

Seek midnight, the Iron Chef Paul should choose your own path, when the Green Dragon, longevity, Emperor Wang, angry days.

Health groups are not open to everyone, every year can do. To according to the following method is available: According natal support from: souls, urging officials, longevity, their lives, angry, into Paul, urging corpse into life, welcome money, destroy the soul, like benefits, increasing age, all along the line twelve.

To urge officials, longevity ,, into Lu, increased longevity, Ying Choi, hi benefits, increasing age of Kyrgyzstan, the students can start the fleeting groups, birthday party grave.

With souls, their lives, urging corpse, destroy the soul of a bad year, you can not open the fleeting green groups, birthday party grave.

Kind of raw base of modern scientific basis, feng shui also called "geomancy": means worthy of Heaven; Yu refers authentic, Kancha Heaven is a rise and fall, luck loop, and how best to use land that used gas a scholarship, the ancients believed world among people living with God, there are stars Riyuexing Sanko runs in the day, under the earth gave birth to everything, so; Heaven, Earth, the three are closely related, good and bad fortune seen on one of the interactive, feng shui has been applied to modern life level mansion, Amityville Horror;! So Pat gradually being accepted by the people.

Health group is one of thousands of years of Chinese Taoism alchemy does not pass the secret foreign! But also the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors! It is an ancient science! However; they only know then! I do not know why, no one knows exactly what works? Until now Century Technology Development after genetic decoding was discovered that hair, nails of DNA can be replicated functions corresponding to air, and reflected upon the parties, so that the parties directly absorbed into the Lair of the magnetic field effect! Our ancestors buried in the ground bones bone nails. Hair. Such as blood; contains minerals, produce resonance upon binding to the gas, but has its specific radioactivity resonance wavelength; this wavelength must be related by blood, people can get reception! According to Western scientists found that the wavelength of C14 radiocarbon lineal body contained 14 electronic wave radiation, or particles and the like, and its frequency is the same, which is why sometimes, their immediate family members dying unexpected disaster occurs Although separated by thousands of miles, the heart will always feel uneasy and anxious! Therefore, buried in the picturesque, poised for ancestral remains, or his hair nails, accepted the Land of the essence, it will bring a good impact on their own.

Students borrowing base is made of magnetic energy of nature, than the average actual redirection method is more effective. Innate fate has been set, can not be changed, reference can be, do not care. Acquired transport - but it is by their own efforts to create, and it can make up congenital deficiencies. Change of fortune in many ways, such as: Amityville Horror, mansion, raw base, but it must be a good thing to get married, otherwise even worse, practice, and goodness, name .... Student groups in which the power of influence of the strongest, the fastest, most long-term, followed by a mansion!

If; someone know there Dragon through, for reinforcing their lack of gas field, where the election will be doing business group, his own hair, nails, blood, or birthdates, etc; are incorporated in the tank, buried Lingshan Xiushui Xue Li Po, substituted themselves to absorb energy between heaven and earth, and with its own resonance, and thus enhance their own invisible energy field, to attract good people and things are grouped together under the same space! Highlighting the hearts wish realized, basically called this practice on numerology doing business group, and the bones of ancestors buried in the crypt in Kyrgyzstan shade future generations to do the same purpose of feng shui!

The beauty is that the raw base by Ling Ling endless power, endless and personal resonance, the individual's aura has also come to increase, thus assisting the individual gas field, in order to achieve the purpose of changing shipped. Thus, the orthodox approach to student groups are buried.

People today because of economic considerations, and the burial of a good wind good water really is a violation of the principle of the role of science student groups, and to generate Kita bit to worship, certainly not in line with orthodox practice, but it is undeniable that there is always a security center Role exist! In fact; it can not be combined with air it is difficult to have an effect!

Many people believe that feng shui is not scientific, but also because of this, the mysterious metaphysics of things can not be qualitative and quantitative, but can not be objective observation, research, and repeat the experiment. Generally rigorous logical thinking scientists, scholars, to see this kind of occultism, would headache.

In the end the power of feng shui can affect how long? That depends on the interaction between a magnetic field of gas and gas field between individuals, and the shift, a degree of mutual integration. If the smell of gas field of the environment is very strong, and very weak individual gas field, it is likely in six months, six months or so will be fulfilled.

If the magnetic field is very weak gas environment, individual gas field and strong, it may be delayed until 1 to 2 years, especially when longer a need to influence the Amityville Horror.

After the death of a person buried by local feng shui and how it can affect future generations? Relationship recognized by everyone is consanguinity. Only immediate relatives will be affected, there will be no impact to the side offshoot of. Simply put, the impact grandfather, grandmother of feng shui, have their own born children, daughters, father, uncle, uncle, aunt, etc., as well as all children born by their grandchildren. The whole family will be affected, and very far-reaching and broad influence.

If only my father, my mother's feng shui, it is only for their own born son and grandson have an impact, not to affect their peers offshoot uncle, uncle, aunt and so on. Two men became man and wife, they have each other ancestral Feng Shui affect it? Before the two children not yet born, is not; and only after the two had shared their remaining child after, with the blood of the exchange, Mr. ancestors of feng shui will affect his wife, Mrs. ancestors of feng shui will the impact on you.

Now age can make use of the concept of quantum science to understand these facts. Elementary particles constituting the material world, from molecules, elements, atoms, electrons, neutrons, protons, and so on. All the material in the final analysis, it is actually an energy fluctuation patterns exist. Science has also confirmed that these particles have their own consciousness. For example: the phenomenon of quantum entanglement and Quantum Information of the phenomenon; but today scientists can not explain and prove the phenomenon! It is the study of the foundations of quantum mechanics! Scientists study, if a person's body to be fully translated into quark patterns, the amount of this fine material, it has enough stuffing in half the Milky Way.

It is half the Galaxy, not only in the solar system which, while more surrounded the whole planet, there is no doubt the place. From here it can be understood why the impact of feng shui ancestors to descendants is so far-reaching and profound so much! Ancestral graves buried in the country, regardless of the children and grandchildren went to any place on Earth, and its influence will continue to affect. Whether you believe it?

Cremation ashes into all the good and bad effects will be reduced to ashes, disappear without a trace. Feng Shui say is the entire environment of the gas field, the human body there are also individual stingy magnetic field, the whole role of feng shui is environmental gas field and gas field of human interaction, that's all. Gas field environment can affect small individual gas field, which is no doubt; as, a small gas field personal to influence the environment, not impossible, but easier said than done ah? Unless - it is those enlightened enlightened person master the master, otherwise, ordinary mortals, still undetected between heaven and earth, is bound to be affected by a variety of factors brought about feng shui.

It is said to open the eye in the sky, people can see the body of the gas field, said the ancient aura, after light, etc., because they are so subtle, it does not belong to the naked eye visible range. Progress of the times to the present, the gas field analyzer have been invented, it was confirmed the body's energy field, "does exist and can demonstrate through these machines, equipment photos, mortal eyes can also see the gas field. Normal human gas field size with the shape of a person on a similar size hands open, like so, covered with the human body, like egg shape, cocoon shape in general. This is just normal, average person's gas field, because, in fact, the gas field is a living energy fluid, can pass through similar Qigong Exercise, visualize, sense approach to reading ability to zoom, and then to put all indemnity Kuni, back then collection in secret realm. Extend this consciousness energy field, extending that many spells, supernatural powers, the root causes.

Regardless of the living, the dead, we must care about their aura. When a person is lying down inside the tomb, it is the head of the dragon to be followed by direction of air, foot to the front of the tombstone, but also the flow of breath tombstone, therefore, good and bad quality of the grave impact on all the sons and different parts of the room , it will appear in the gravestone above experienced feng shui often tombstone state can be an inquest to determine whether the tomb inside lined corpse, water, animal intrusion, whether prosperous or have sons and not personnel, Non-officer of First Instance, etc., thus forming a tomb with science, it is also a major problem ah!

Based on the above point of view, raw base will be the next wave of change running mainstream shipped!

To reach as raw GM transport purposes must pay attention to matters:

Find the right people;

Do the right place;

This is the fundamental key factor!