作為一名風水大師,在我四十餘載的風水學習以及經驗中總結出,真正的風水要與中醫、道教相結合,才能更全面的解決風水問題,進行全面的風水策劃。明星,星光熠熠的一族,不管是形象包裝、還是住宅環境,要想對自己的星途有利,贏得更多的人氣就要充分利用風水理念祝旺自己的前程。下面,我將從改名、家居以及工作室風水三個方面為大家講解如何策劃明星風水。   一位明星要大紅大紫,首先要人氣旺盛。而要給大眾留下好的印象,除了有一個完美的外形形象外,名字更是起到很大的作用。   一般,所有的藝人在出道之前,公司都會找大師測算其名字。一個朗朗上口、不落俗套又帶有星味的名字,才能讓大眾在短時間內記住你。此外,找大師測算名字,更是希望這個名字能給自己好兆頭。真正的大師會結合一個人的八字五行以及該人的發展方向等因素取一個有利於其星途發展的名字。   在眾多的明星改名字的例子當中,王菲當屬最成功的改名之一。嚴格來說王菲只是換名,因為其本名就是「王菲」。王菲在進入香港市場時,為了迎合當時比較流行的改名風潮,將其名字改為雅緻、秀麗的藝名「王靖雯」。王菲當時也憑著這個名字暫露頭角,有一兩首膾炙人口、傳唱率高的歌曲。其當時的歌路延續了港臺女歌手的歌路,如同她的名字一樣格局較小。為了有新的發展,便換回了原名。之後,歌路也開始特立獨行,以其天籟般嗓音和不俗的音樂,成華語歌壇繼鄧麗君后又一呼風喚雨的終極天後。   在風水學上,住宅風水的好壞關乎一個人的身心健康以及事業的發展。一個明星要想在娛樂圈大紅大紫,對住宅風水不能掉以輕心。   從大方向來講,風水講究的是「藏風聚氣」,即背後靠山,前面遠處要有低伏的小山,左右兩側有護山環抱,明堂地勢寬敞,並且有曲水環抱。由於理想環境比較難尋找,在現實中,只要後方的地勢或建築比前方高,左方的比右方高,且明堂開闊,那這種環境便具備了「藏風聚氣」的條件。   從小環境來講,風水涉及到的是住宅方方面面的問題,其中門、廳、臥室、廚房、樓梯和室內裝飾裝修等因素是衡量住宅風水的內在因素,這些因素會影響到這個住宅的氛圍以及主人的工作、事業和身心健康。   門:「大門為氣口,納氣旺則吉,衰氣則兇」,門是生氣的樞紐、住宅的面子。在風水學上,住宅的門大有學問。大門的位置要選在吉位,房間的門不能相對。   客廳:最好位於住宅的正中間,客廳要寬大、明亮、光線充足,明亮的客廳能帶來家運旺盛。客廳的地板應該平坦、不宜有過多的階梯或製造高低的分別。   樓梯:樓梯進口不能正對大門,不能設在居室中央,最好是靠墻而立。   廚房、洗手間:二者不能連接在一起,且要地域客廳的地面。衞生間的門不能直對大門、走廊和廚房門。   因注重住宅風水而大紅大紫的明星多如繁星。像劉德華、成龍、黎明等等。在此,我就不一一列舉了。   明星的住宅風水對其事業的發展很重要,而辦公室的風水更是不能忽視。辦公室是明星工作的地方,如果辦公室的風水不好,不僅影響明星的工作氛圍,更是影響其前程。明星的辦公室應注意以下風水問題。   很多明星都會自己成立工作室自己當老闆,老闆的辦公室一定要單獨一間,並且要有所隱密。   一般街邊大樓辦公室建築都有騎樓,因此二樓處必有空間是在騎樓上方,在這個地方不可做主管決策辦公室,只能供一般職員辦公用。因為騎樓是人來人往的地方,氣流亂且雜,氣場也常受干擾。   在分配房間的原則上,要配合「龍邊」和「虎邊」,也就是將辦公室分成左右兩邊。龍邊宜設老闆辦公室、業務部、財務部,其它部門就設在虎邊。此外,辦公室的門最好設在龍邊動方,事業才會興盛發達。   一個公司要有財富財氣,就要充分利用辦公室的「財位」,在財位上放置相應的物品能對事業發展有錦上添花的效果。   ▲現任泰國白龍王、著名東南亞風水達人、菲第一財神殿與廈門萬靈三清殿住持許大師,佛道天主、風水易玄、中醫五行綜合,為工商金融、投資理財、娛樂演藝、文藝明星運途風水服務、提升氣場、修復再造、開運助旺、開財庫、文昌運、招桃花貴人、助佳緣、和合術、種生基改運解厄、增福延壽、八字取名改名、擇吉日、寺廟開光、祈福法會、白龍王親自主持奠基落成、入宅起運、開業慶典儀式;為明星打造高大上知名度,催旺文昌事業運、星途旺盛長久不衰退、修補桃花,高效挽救、改善工商金融、娛樂演藝明星、文藝界人士頻臨破碎的婚姻,助其家庭幸福,姻緣美滿,事業興旺發達!   如果您對風水有什麼疑問或困惑,可咨詢廈門堪輿易玄文化傳播有限公司—風水大師許少鋒。國內外都可咨詢。   中國諮詢座機:阮助理0592-5021408   中國諮詢手機:阮助理13599222408   中國咨詢QQ:807204013   地址:中國福建省廈門市思明會展中心叄期會展南路7號106   海外OverseasQQ:Ms.Ruan807204013   海外OverseasTel:Philippines.Manila02-7404408or00632-0917-8534408Ms.Ruan   海外地址OverseasAddress:菲律賓.馬尼拉Philippines.Manila#861,LinawStCor.Banawe.QC As a feng shui master, in my four decades of Feng Shui learning and experience summed up the real feng shui should be combined with traditional Chinese medicine, Taoism, feng shui can be more comprehensive solution to the problem, a comprehensive plan of feng shui. Star, star-studded family, whether it is the image of the packaging, or residential environment, in order to own stardom beneficial and win more popularity should make full use of their own Feng Shui principles wish prosperous future. Now, I will be renamed, home and studio three aspects of feng shui for you on how to plan a star feng shui. A star to be in the limelight, first strong popularity. And to give the public a good impression, in addition to the image of a perfect shape, the name is to play a significant role. In general, all of the artists in his debut before the company estimates it will find the master name. A catchy, unconventional and name with star quality, in order to allow the public to remember you in a short time. In addition, look for the name of the master calculation, it is hoped that the name to give themselves a good sign. The real master will combine the five elements of a person's character and the direction of development of the human and other factors take a favorable development in the name of its stardom. In the case of many of the stars to change the name of them, Faye was undoubtedly one of the most successful renamed. Strictly speaking Faye just changed the name, because of its real name is the "Faye." Faye when entering the Hong Kong market, in order to meet the then popular renamed wave, which changed its name to elegant, beautiful stage name "Shirley Wong." Wong was also with this name temporarily outcrop angle, have twelve well-known, high sung songs. It was the continuation of the songs the way Hong Kong and Taiwan singer song the way, as her name suggests a smaller pattern. For new developments, they exchange the formerly. After that, the song began Maverick Road, with its angelic voice and good music, a Chinese singer Teresa Teng, following a rage after the ultimate days. In Feng Shui, good or bad feng shui residential development in respect of a person's physical and mental health and career. To a star in the entertainment limelight, for residential feng shui can not be taken lightly. The general direction in terms of feng shui emphasis is on "Tibetan style poly gas" that is backing behind, in front of the distant hills to have a low-voltage, left and right sides protect the hills surrounding terrain spacious hall, and there Qushui surrounded. Since the ideal environment is difficult to find, in reality, as long as the rear of the terrain or buildings higher than the front, to the left than to the right height, and the hall open, and that this environment will have a "possession of the wind gas gathering" conditions. Childhood environment in terms of feng shui involves residential aspects of the problem, in which the door, hall, bedroom, kitchen, stairs and interior decoration and other factors intrinsic factor measures the residential feng shui, these factors will affect the atmosphere and the owner of the house work, career and health. Door: "the door to the air intake, qi Wang was good, but bad air is fierce," the door is angry hub, housing face. In Feng Shui, the residential door is very demanding. To choose the location of the door Gigabit door of the room is not a relative. Living Room: Located in the middle of the best house, the living room to the large, bright, well-lit, bright living room to bring family fortune strong. Living room floor should be level, there should not be too much of a step or manufacture of high and low, respectively. Stairs: Stairs imports can not be positive on the door, could not be located in the center of the room, preferably standing against the wall. Kitchen, bathroom: the two can not be connected together, and the ground to the living room area. The bathroom door can not be directly on the door, the hallway and the kitchen door. Due to focus on the residential feng shui Rounds stars as the stars. Like Andy Lau, Jackie, Dawn and the like. Here, I will not list them. Star residential feng shui is very important to their career development, and feng shui office is not overlooked. The office is where the star of work, if the office is not good feng shui, not only affects the star working atmosphere, but also affect their future. Star's office should note the following feng shui. Many stars will set up their own studio own boss, the boss's office must be a separate, and to be hidden. General office building has arcade street building, so there must be space on the second floor at the top of the arcade, in this place can not make competent decision-making office, only for the general staff office. Because the arcade is a crowded place, air chaos and complex, often disturbed gas field. On the principle of allocating rooms to meet the "Long Edge" and "Tiger side", that is, the office is divided into left and right sides. Long side should set the boss office, business, finance department, other departments located in the Tiger side. In addition, the office is located in Long side door best moving party, cause will flourish developed. A company must have wealth wealth, we must make full use of the office, "financial position", placed in the financial position of the respective items can be the cause of the development of the effect of icing on the cake. ▲ incumbent Thailand White Dragon King, the famous Southeast feng shui of people, the Philippines first fiscal Sanqing Temple and Xiamen Souls master Xu abbot, Buddhism God, Yi Xuan Feng Shui, Chinese Five Elements integrated, industrial and commercial banking, investment banking, entertainment, performing arts, literature and art star Yun way feng shui services to enhance the gas field, repair and recycling, Lucky help busy, open the treasury, Wenchang transport, Dr. Peach elegant, help a good margin, harmony, Seed raw GM transport solution Ecuador, by Fu life extension, character named renamed , choose auspicious temple open light, Prayer, White Dragon King personally presided over the groundbreaking completed, into the house of origin, the opening ceremony; to build a big star on the awareness, reminder Wang Wenchang business operation, long-stardom strong recession, repair peach, Efficient saving and improving commercial and financial, entertainment and entertainers, literary and art circles brink of broken marriages, help their families happy, happy marriage, the cause of prosperity! If you have any questions or confusion of feng shui, consult Xiamen Feng Yi Xuan Culture Communication Co., Ltd. - Xu Shaofeng Feng Shui master. At home and abroad can inquire. China Consulting landline: 0592-5021408 Nguyen assistant China Contact phone: 13599222408 Nguyen assistant China Consulting QQ: 807204013 Address: China's Xiamen City, Fujian Siming Exhibition Center Exhibition Road on the 7th of three 106 Overseas OverseasQQ: Ms.Ruan807204013 Overseas OverseasTel: Philippines.Manila02-7404408or00632-0917-8534408Ms.Ruan Overseas address OverseasAddress:. Manila Philippines.Manila # 861, LinawStCor.Banawe.QC